Twitter Updates for 2009-10-14

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-13

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-10-12 #
  • @lmherning lol (no pun intended) which one caught your eye? in reply to lmherning #
  • RT @web20classroom Wordles (word clouds) of all Presidential Inaugural Addresses… #
  • rebarcoding biographies at one of our migrating libraries. can feel the dirt on my fingers already! 🙂 #
  • RT @brewinlibrarian The web is social: shareable, linkable, public. Finally caught up with libraries! #
  • Cats just re-enacted the running of the bulls. I kicked a sidetable which knocked a lamp into the wall & they went fleeing out of the room! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-12

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-11

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Twitter Updates for 2009-10-10

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