Note: I normally don’t use the blog to write about my personal life (well, except for the Daily Twitter Digest that’s generated). But since this is connected to social media and to my library friends online, it has its place here.
The backstory
I am a social media addict. Not in the foursquare sense or the I have thousands of friends or followers. No, I’m a social media in the sense that I’ve built an online network of friends. On Twitter, most are librarians or educators, but some are from other professions. I’ve met a few of these people in person; most I haven’t and never will. On Facebook, it’s a hodge-podge of family, friends I grew up with, college friends, work colleagues, other librarians, and other random people in my crazy network. Listening to Malcolm Galdwell’s The Tipping Point made me realize I’ve got multiple circles of friends, which is a possible explanation for how I can run into someone I know in just about any situation or quickly connect a new acquaintance with someone I know. It’s pretty crazy. But that’s not the point of this post. Continue reading “A New Use for Social Media”