What eBook reaction best serves our patrons?

What’s going to be more fruitful of our time and efforts in a response to the Harper Collins 26 eBook circ policy change? What will plan of attack will impact our patrons the most and improve their current and future eBook reading for the best?

A boycott of Harper Collins? I’m not so sure. It’s idealistic, feels good, but will it get Simon & Schuster and Macmillan to start offering eBooks to libraries  (who currently don’t allow this at all)? Will it get a new model for all library eBooks created?

I’ve been following #hcod basically since its inception, before the hashtag was even created on Friday. But, I have seen few alternatives (realistic, not idealistic) suggested to the current eBook model other than “DRM is awful”, “eBooks in Overdrive don’t work great right now”, there’s no standard format, and the current model is broken. This is the only one I have seen. Please leave comments if you’ve seen others and I’ll update this post.

Then, there’s the fact that a lot of libraries, especially small public libraries (maybe except those in consortia), can’t afford many eBooks right now. Affording them in the new Harper Collins regime, I don’t think so! Plus, other publishers who will undoubtedly also change their policies to be similar to Harper Collins. So they’ll stop even offering this service at all, and libraries will stop being relevant in the digital age.

What about some of the points from Sarah Houghton-Jan’s AWESOME summary of the situation, Library eBook Revolution, Begin?

What we need is for digital copyright laws to change (libraries need an exemption for digital content, just as we have for physical content).  We also need legislation introduced that specifies that that libraries, as public lending institutions, are not required to comply with consumer-intended terms of service.

Consumer market eBook vendors like Barnes & Noble and Amazon don’t let publishers get away with the amount of nonsense that we get stuck with through library eBook vendors. I fault the publishers for not realizing what a huge mistake they are making by not realizing that new formats are opportunities–not threats to be quashed. I fault the library eBook vendors for not standing firm and saying “no” to asinine demands. And I fault the library profession for, to date, not standing up for the rights of our users. Our job is to fight for the user, and we have done a poor job of doing that during the digital content surge.

She does suggest boycotting Harper Collins, but after the above statements.

I call on as many libraries as possible to contact HarperCollins (email them at library.ebook@harpercollins.com) and express dissatisfaction.  Beyond that, if have decision-making power at your library I suggest you boycott their content completely–or at least boycott it in digital format.

I call on as many libraries as possible to seriously consider dropping digital content vendors with restrictions and move toward only providing open access titles and formats.  Yes, that means forgoing most popular titles.  But you know what? Unless we take a firm stand we will not be heard.

A boycott alone isn’t going to make a huge difference in this situation, I’m afraid. I could be proven wrong, but do boycotts have a high success rate? And even if Harper Collins backs down, we’ll still have the same model we currently live with, maybe without the 26 eBook circ policy. But what if the next publisher tries a similar policy? Will as many people outcry, or will they just slowly accept it as inevitable, because they don’t want to waste energy again on yet another hopeless protest?

What I want to know is where are the Lawrence Lessig types and other recent digital copyright reformers on this topic? Where are the innovative librarians and technologists, like those that developed lendle.me, on this topic? What do authors think about all of this? Do they want to try something different to get their work out to more people, easily? What about voracious eBook readers with the technical know-how for platforms? Do they have any crazy, alternative ideas to the status quo of library eBooks?

For the sake of our patrons and the future of digital eBook access, this situation needs to become much larger than just a simple boycott against Harper Collins. Only then can we even begin to overcome our previous disgruntlement with the status quo of library eBook access.

I’m not trying to be pessimistic here. I don’t support what Harper Collins is doing at all, and I’m going to doggedly be checking the publisher on every book I read for awhile. But I want long-term solutions that will allow eBook lending by our patrons to be easier than ever. Now is the opportunity to come up with a plan. There is a lot of attention on the situation; why can’t we harness the ideas, and try some solutions, so the authors (publishers?) make their money because their writing should receive monetary reward and our library patrons can get as easy access to eBooks as they can to physical books, or maybe even easier? It’s possible. We just have to do it. And we could start by taking this plan, examining it, and making it or something similar work.

Update: I’m seeing the eBook User’s Bill of Rights being passed around this morning. Read it. It’s a start.

Discriminating Against Libraries, 26 eBook Circs at a Time

Preface: If you haven’t heard about Harper Collins’ new policy on library eBook checkout, please read these two articles from Librarian by Day and Library Journal for more information. I don’t want to repost what’s already been covered better elsewhere. Also #hcod is the hashtag on Twitter for this situation.

The situation is simply this:

In the first significant revision to lending terms for ebook circulation, HarperCollins has announced that new titles licensed from library ebook vendors will be able to circulate only 26 times before the license expires.

Librarians, readers, and authors alike are up in arms over this ludicrous policy. What about small public libraries? Do readers understand what this means? What alternatives are out there? And what has Harper Collins said about its relationship to libraries? This post will address these questions.

Small Public Library Impact

Something I’ve not seen mentioned much in the discussion going on in the library community and in the author and reading communities, has been what about small public libraries? (Update: Kate Sheehan has a very eloquent post describing the impact of this decision on small public libraries and consortia). Their budgets can vary from $10,000 (or less) to under $200,000. ALA has a document with some statistics. It’s from 2002 — if anyone knows of a more up-to-date document, please let me know! They cannot afford eBooks. They have to choose between which best seller author to buy this time and who to skip on until the next book comes out. They don’t have the ability to buy multiple formats of the same title, let along MULTIPLE COPIES!!!

I see library eContent consortia being attacked by the new policy. You know what? Almost 80% of the public libraries in the United States serve populations under 25,000, with budgets of under 200,000. I could list all the statistics out here that are linked above, but the simple point is, small public libraries will NEVER be able to afford the high costs involved with eBooks and content purchasing WITHOUT consortia. If Harper Collins and other publishers raise the bar even higher and raise the costs of purchasing eContent and restrict what consortia do, you’ll lose a great majority of this 80% group of public libraries.

A digital divide between libraries. Between their patrons. The haves and have nots. 20% of the public libraries (if they can afford it) having eBooks and 80% not having access. One might call this discrimination.

Readers Get How Crazy This Policy Is!
I want to share a conversation that I’ve had on Facebook with at least one reader and librarian, as well as comments on Twitter by readers and authors. I think they better exhibit the impact and ludicrous nature of Harper Collins change in policy and also the greater implications if this policy does in fact remain as is. (Scott is also a librarian)
Reader: I’ve been curious. How much does it cost the library system to buy ebooks?
Scott Freeman: It depends on a lot of factors including the publisher, age of the book, etc. I would say a new release typically runs us between 20-30 bucks. We can get a mass market paperback in the 5-10 range. Our issue right now is that Harper Collins …announced today that they would only sell us the books through our vendor for a total of 26 checkouts per book. That means after 26 times we have to buy another copy of the ebook. HarperCollins sucks.
Me: Also, Reader, the bigger issue for libraries isn’t just the Harper Collins problem. Not all books are available as ebooks and not all publishers let libraries lend their ebooks at all.
Scott Freeman: Right, Simon & Schuster and Macmillan are the remaining 2 of the big 6 that have yet to embrace libraries. Although I could see them signing up quickly if the Harper model was to take hold.
Me: But we don’t want that to happen. If libraries, authors, and readers put pressure on the publishers to stop this draconian policy, instead of just accepting it, and come up with a working model that could result in more potential revenue for the publishers, we might come out with a better ebook model. It’s anecdotal still (but would love to see a research study done on this), but I believe many people borrow new books/new authors from libraries as trial, and then buy it and additional copies if they like it. The more you read and are exposed to new authors, the more you buy (if you can afford it), And that’s the other important element of librarians and book/ebook lending: many people just can’t afford to buy books on their own, so they borrow from the library, but someday they might be able to build their own collection, if they become more financially stable. In between, where else can they maintain their reading habits at little to no cost? Only at the library.
Scott Freeman: Well said.
Reader: Wow, thank you Scott and Heather. I don’t understand the Harper Collins model. They don’t limit the amount of check outs for a hard copy so why should they limit the amount for ebooks? An ebook should cost them less to produce. And with the sale of ebooks on the rise there should be a greater profit margin without them having to charge libraries more. It just seems like a way to nickel and dime libraries.
Scott Freeman: This is a pure money-grab fueled by outright greed. If we let them get away with it then the other publishers will follow suit. And more struggling libraries will suffer under the weight of trying to meet the needs of their patrons and make ends meet at the same time.

The reader got it how ludicrous this policy is. Harper Collins, why didn’t you in the first place?

Alternatives to Harper Collins and Current Library eBook Models

What about alternatives to Harper Collins and other current eBook models? I’ve not seen many mentioned, except for this one, that actually is a fantastic middle of the road solution, and might just promote more sales for the publishers in the end. Check out @wizzyrea‘s idea, “Content Middlemen, We Need Your Help!” Harper Collins and other publishers what do you think about this idea?

Also, what about the environmental cost of recycling the books at the end of their lives? You don’t have to do that with eBooks at all. “The Death of Books (It’s Not What You Think)” addresses this very question. Why are eBooks so high anyway, both in consumer stores (Nook & Kindle) and from library vendors? Does it really cost that much to produce bits and bytes that never have to be printed when the material is finalized, never shipped, never stored (except costs associated with file storage and access), and never recycled.

Harper Collins on Libraries

Over at Harper Collins website, I discovered this statement:

Citizens will be reminded that libraries and bookstores are vital gathering places where they can come together to talk and learn about things that really matter. In nearly every instance, the local library system has been the driving force behind the community-wide reading program. While each community has put its own spin on their book event, there are some standard steps that each one has taken to establish and launch their program.

And on this page libraries are mentioned over and over again. Harper Collins clearly see public libraries as a value asset when it benefits them. They’ve used libraries and supported our services when its benefited them. In light of this how can they in good conscious take this stance on library material?

So Harper Collins, you support communities and their libraries housing your materials through your own website’s statements. Yet, you have proposed this draconian policy that benefits no one but you. All I can say is this image comes to mind, captioned oh-so-appropriately by a Facebook friend. And this threat from a hardcore reader. Read through the #hcod stream to find other similar statements from readers. I’m seeing statements about boycotting and stopping reading a book published by Harper Collins.


Reading promotes more reading, which promotes more demand for books. Right? You’d think so! But if you restrict the ability of institutions to purchase materials in any form, institutions aren’t going to buy books and readers aren’t going to access them. Period. The entry level to do so is too high.

  • Have to track circs.
  • Have to track when to pull the record out of the catalog.
  • Have to track who purchases new copies again when the circs run out.
  • Have to predict demand over an unknown timeframe (did you know that you can set the Overdrive checkout period to 7 days, 14 days or 21 days or even return the book early? The 26 checkout period could be gone through in 26 days, 6 months, 1 year or 1.5 years. How many library books wear out in that time of usage).
  • Who’s going to be able to do this?

Librarians, don’t let Harper Collins and the other publishers get away with this policy — we’ve been asking for a change and a seat the table in the eReader discussion; this is a door to get to the table finally. Do not let up the pressure on them. Let your patrons know to contact Harper Collins. Readers and Authors, let Harper Collins know at library.ebook@harpercollins.com your outrage at this change of policy.

iPad eBooks and eBook apps for Kids

A friend of mine is spending a few days with his 3-year-old granddaughter in another state. He has a new iPad and asked me to put together a list of recommended iPad eBooks and eBook apps for kids for her. I have several on my iPad my niece (20 months) and nephew (almost 4!) absolutely love to read when I’m with them (although my niece loves to push the home button; child proof button lock needed!).

Unfortunately, I haven’t had a lot of luck finding free eBooks for kids (young kids, that is). I’ve found a few here and there when there are specials, but to get the full audio + read to me/read myself part that the kids are fascinated by, I’ve discovered you have to pay for them.

If you know of any good free apps for the iPad, please leave comments for sure! I haven’t explored the B&N eReader or Kindle or Stanza or other eReader platform stores for kids books yet. I’m sure there are lots more out there, including books in the Project Gutenberg archive (many of which can be accessed through iBooks. Continue reading “iPad eBooks and eBook apps for Kids”

Ebooks: Landscape & Implications

Bobbi Newman, Brian Hulsey, Jason Griffey

Brian Hulsey


“We change whether we like it or not” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why is this change important to us? We have to be there for our patrons. Back of Wall Street journals. Airports had eReaders all over the place during Brian’s travels. Library conference is being held online.

Relevance: photo of old Apple computer. Have to examine your area and determine what will work for you. Have to figure out how the patron base and what they are wanting. Many are wanting

Cost: replacing physical books costs lots of money. Digital content can’t be lost, destroyed, ruined. Maximizing budgets for what you get for the library.

Impact: look at how it will affect the community & affect the library & its staff. Training will have to take place. Don’t just implement something just because you read about it. Thought has to go into it.

Implementation: eservices get implemented because its cool; be careful. Kindle loaning — tied to library’s credit card. Patrons started buying more books, using library’s credit card. Be careful — know what you’re getting into.

Policies: what type of service will you use at your library; policies on the loaning of the devices must be created.

Cataloging: if you don’t add econtent into your catalog — how are patrons going to find it, locate it, if it’s not in your catalog and online services?

Vendor Advice: Make the vendor rep your best friend; that person knows the system in and out; find out how to best maximize the use of the e-content service you implement.

Problems: training all staff first so all questions can be answered by anyone at any time, not call back later; helping patrons when questions come up; when you don’t help the patron, library isn’t relevant to the patron any longer.

Constantly changing: vendor situation constantly changing & devices constantly changing; Ebrary; Kindle; Sony Reader; iPad. Story time with Cat in the Hat on the iPad. These services aren’t just going to fall into your lap and you can use them. Must learn & constantly change with the services to stay relevant.

Bobbi Newman

Will be talking about devices.

“Everything I say will be outdated by the time you leave this room.”

iPad — didn’t get it when it was announced, then saw one and her mind was changed.

Kindle: easy to use; most popular device right now, still; buy the book, download it to the device.

Lending Library eBooks, complicated process.

Sony eReader

Nook: can loan books to 1 friend and only one time.

Who owns electronic content, from eBooks? Severe restrictions on these files. Physical books can be given to others; eBooks, not so much.

iPhone/iPod Touch: people are reading on these devices; not made for it.

iPad: its brand new; but going to greatly change the future of devices.

Watching video from Jason Griffey now, who couldn’t be at the conference. If it’s online, will post a link to it later.

His Predictions

  • eBooks will stop being tied to specific devices
  • iPad: Kindle, iBooks;
  • Amazon: has a Kindle app for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, has desktop software for all platforms, and for the Kindle, of course, trying to be there for all devices.
  • Software platforms for eBooks up & coming: Copia, http://thecopia.com/ & Blio, http://blioreader.com/
  • Black & White eInk readers, will be commodity devices by the end of 2010. Prices will drop considerably, maybe even as low as $50. What will libraries do at that point?
  • eBook DRM: initially goal with music was to tie it up with DRM; eventually the publishers will realize that it’s not in the best interest of the consumer to have DRM. DRM keeps honest people honest.
  • jasongriffey.net/wp is his blog.

Comments at the end

  • ease of use matters most to patrons
  • iPod/iPhone took off because it was the easiest to use.
  • people aren’t going to use those devices that are difficult to use.
  • these devices can be hacked; but that isn’t easy.
  • Database eBrary can’t be used on eReader devices.