- @teacherman82 you have got to be kidding me. the only way to move forward is to learn from the past. ALL of it. #1234 why Tea Party is bad in reply to teacherman82 #
- @teacherman82 does that mean TN will also skip the 13th amendment? and the 3/5 compromise? will stop now… in reply to teacherman82 #
- watching video of @lessig's talk at Google on Republic, Lost. http://t.co/AVaO8NOc #1 Must read the book now. #2 loved cassandra intro! #
- @cmairn its an interesting idea. library to so many=books. learning=much much more… my 2 cents at the moment. in reply to cmairn #
- @cmairn @buffyjhamilton Buffy said that all much better
in reply to cmairn #
- @kishizuka @technolibrary you're not alone in this. i need some magic buttons to click to automate my ideas' implementation! in reply to kishizuka #
- Congrats!! RT @lorireed: Happy to announce that Feb. 6 I begin a new position at NoveList as the Customer Relationship Coordinator. #
- Watching the old BBC version of the Lion Witch & Wardrobe, instead of working on a discussion board post… #procrastination
- Thankful for friendships. We were not made to live life alone. http://t.co/FveUtC1d #circleofriends #
- @technolibrary saw your retweet about a first lady question in the debate. What was that all about? #notwatching #
- @mgracehimes
you need to be on here more.
in reply to mgracehimes #
- @mgracehimes understand
ed reform. sigh. unfortunately neither party seems to care or is interested in providing realistic solutions in reply to mgracehimes #
- @mgracehimes wish they'd look to the actual teachers for the solutions & suggestions. now there's an idea! in reply to mgracehimes #
- @mgracehimes hehehe. understand. night and night little one! can't wait to meet you soon. in reply to mgracehimes #
- posting #1 done. hoping for at least one, maybe two more to get done! #
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