- 2 more inches last night. And it's still snowing! The state of my parents deck now. 2' drift there, at least http://twitpic.com/vbd1m #
- @tncs good luck! in reply to tncs #
- hoping my cats aren't getting too hungry or lonely & staying warm; still stuck at parents for another day; haven't been home since wednesday #
- RT @joycevalenza: 10 Greatest Open Source apps of 2009 http://bit.ly/6n5KJN #
- & it's STILL snowing. any1 know how roads are n2 downtown kc coming from topeka? family supposed 2 go 2 crown center 2 spend sunday night. #
- It's snowing AGAIN. Coming down pretty good again. Where is this stuff coming from? At least the wind is mostly gone. #
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