- Twitter Updates for 2009-12-16 http://ff.im/-d29nP #
- Getting ready to do some basic openoffice.org training for the Bonner Springs Library staff. I love my job 🙂 #
- @mlsjeff how old are they?? and what topics? and how bad? in reply to mlsjeff #
- @mrschupa i want to know too why you don't like gmail. please let these inquiring minds know. in reply to mrschupa #
- @mrschupa come to my, @wizzyrea's, & @dianajw's session on google apps at KLA 🙂 you'll learn why the combo of emails is great & other tips in reply to mrschupa #
- @tncs address! address! 🙂 in reply to tncs #
- @tncs ha mine is http://www.heatherbraum.info. in reply to tncs #
- @tncs i did mine on purpose that way; many others that blog use their names for their sites 🙂 in reply to tncs #
- @ehuckabay how'd the interview go? in reply to ehuckabay #
- @tncs looked at the site — like it a lot 🙂 in reply to tncs #
- earthquake+meteor/fireball in SE nebraska last night http://bit.ly/4Y5MJW fireball reports also from missouri, kansas, and oklahoma. crazy! #
- Poll: which flute solo @ Christmas eve service? A)He shall feed his flock air; B)holly & the ivy; C) Mary did you know D)hallelujah chorus #
- @wizzyrea @calimae thx for feedback; mom gave final vote over skype going w he shall feed his flock; don't have accompanist so its best #
- @tncs i left my portfolio up — but it was its own separate wordpress blog on my domain, so i was able to leave it, & start reg blog. gl! in reply to tncs #
- @janbrooks1 that's what i'm going with jan 🙂 we do need to get together. I'm going to be in kc fri night-sat; if i'm free, shld i call? in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @janbrooks1 I definitely will try to if I'm back in Lawrence; congratulations again, dear friend! What a milestone 🙂 in reply to janbrooks1 #
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