- Twitter Updates for 2009-12-09 http://ff.im/-cHsSk #
- LOL 🙂 RT @J_Nellie: We're in ulysses and cab actually say its twice as warm as in dodge. It was 2 degrees in dodge 4 degrees here. #
- RT @lybrarian: Trying to figure out how to download and read an Audiobooks, Music and More ebook on my iphone…anyone? #
- sitting in on the webjunction webinar, Integrated Library Systems: Open Source and Customization #
- oops didn't tag last tweet with #ILSCustom (didnt know the tag till now) #
- RT @WebJunction: Open Source and Customized ILS Webinar with Marshall Breeding (starts in 8 mins!) http://bit.ly/5ORFVy #
- @nengard too funny 🙂 glad to see you! in reply to nengard #
- RT @TeachPaperless Ubuntu Netbooks w Google Apps vs Textbooks & MS licenses. Writing's on the wall & it don't look good for old media in ed. #
- @dianajw @lybrarian this is for you 🙂 RT @yo_bj: Library Cataloging Geekitude http://www.cafepress.com/LibCatGeek Apparel for #catalogers #
- i agree… RT @nengard webinar on open source & open systems & wondering why the heck Koha is not represented? I'm available… #ILSCustom #
- #ILSCustom i got excited abt this webinar for nothing; am not listening to hear from SIRSI. I want to hear about OPEN SOURCE customization #
- RT @princessbee74: Ditto RT @wizzyrea @nengard I feel like I'm in a Sirsi Sales Call. Maybe I am. #ILSCustom #
- @nengard agreed. in reply to nengard #
- @wizzyrea DC Publib released their code for their iphone app. Do you know the code for building iphone apps? http://bit.ly/7UUluq in reply to wizzyrea #
- @BSBDigLibrarian @apolloniavoss Know what you mean; libs just want to know abt systems that work; how many libs actually use API? #ILSCustom in reply to BSBDigLibrarian #
- @ghardin haha glad to help 🙂 in reply to ghardin #
- @CCahillMN wait till 2010 comes out and see what its like; have you seen the 07 interface? it's completely different in reply to CCahillMN #
- RT @CCahillMN I've created public Google Wave for discussion on iPod Touches in Education. To join, search "with:public tag:edtech" #edtech #
- RT @buffyjhamilton: What makes a library a library? 11 Teens @ The Unquiet Library share their thoughts: http://tinyurl.com/yglf6fo #
- @MDS1981 congrats!! in reply to MDS1981 #
- @cathchat oh my; hoping it goes well and he recovers quickly. keep us posted!! in reply to cathchat #
- @mlsjeff woohoo congrats!!! in reply to mlsjeff #
- RT @mlsjeff: first instruction session as a professional librarian went off without a hitch. people were informed, no one was harmed… 😀 #
- @akearns is @buffyjhamilton's session on fighting the filter being archived or recorded? sounds very interesting in reply to akearns #
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