- Twitter Updates for 2009-11-22 http://ff.im/-bSaOK #
- @MDS1981 yeah, libs are changing; but there isn't a quiet area to study in at least? academic libs usually at least have quiet "study areas" in reply to MDS1981 #
- wicked was awesome yesterday; great end to the weekend. #
- @srharris19 i hate kentucky (now that they have calipari), unc, duke, and especially missouri. All good KU fans do 🙂 in reply to srharris19 #
- @J_Nellie oh no. drink lots of OJ and take lots of vitamin C, on top of the hazmat suit. in reply to J_Nellie #
- @MDS1981 if it happens again, go complain to closest ref desk or circ desk. those quiet policies are enforced in libs that I know in reply to MDS1981 #
- go live for 7 new libraries on our #koha system is one week away! yikes #
- @jaimebc they should try using "analog or digital" instead in reply to jaimebc #
- RT @lybrarian: Paula at Oskie cataloged 20 items this morning AND we set up her #koha spine labels – got it right on only the 2nd try! #
- @J_Nellie @wizzyrea did the initial setup/migration from the server side. I've helped set up of shared calendar usage/general training etc. in reply to J_Nellie #
- Enjoying a peppermint mocha before heading back to the office to pull patron data for next migration step. Almost there! #
- RT @jransom: the way we create culture is through fair use #ndf2009 #
- @tncs @thedlc I agree. That sounds like a wonderful vacation! in reply to tncs #
- @davidleeking unless it's the back country hick one. It still exists in certain areas, even around Topeka. in reply to davidleeking #
- @davidleeking i grew up around those people but never noticed until I moved away and then came back. Thankfully I never picked it up! in reply to davidleeking #
- @webmaster_ref really? will have to give it a try; was req to read Freakonomics in my graduate public policy class (when studying poli sci) in reply to webmaster_ref #
- i am going to get creamed on Facebook later tonight with my drafted note. Will finish it after I get the rest of the data loaded. #
- @ranginui i'll be drifting back to my political days in college…and not in ways many of my college friends will expect. in reply to ranginui #
- @ranginui i understand; studied it for five years, & still have hard time myself. Most of the time I just ignore it bc its so exasperating! in reply to ranginui #
- @pcsweeney what system is the OPAC currently? in reply to pcsweeney #
- finally done sending in data and going home. will be back at the office in 12 hours. #
- @webmaster_ref interesting. will keep that in mind. in reply to webmaster_ref #
- been long time since I wrote sim to whats forthcoming on my Facebook notes (after proofing). Oh memories of college newspaper columns 🙂 #
- its done; wrote my 1st politically related piece in almost 2 years; must be Facebook friend to read. is reaction to latest state budget cuts #
- @ranginui well considering i'm a conservative (and still kind of am), it's going to be a shock to those who've known me in days gone by. #
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