Twitter Updates for 2009-11-21

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-20 #
  • Busy weekend: taking niece/nephew to grandmas this morning, obu bb game tonite; wicked tomorrow & maybe 7 brides for 7 brothers #
  • @Mahhtha no there's an obu game in kc. Going to alumni gathering there. You'll know when I head yr way 🙂 in reply to Mahhtha #
  • @brewinlibrarian ks has similar problems. Maybe the 2010 conferences will have more pple catching onto power of backchannel. in reply to brewinlibrarian #
  • RT @web20classroom RT @aplusk the google story – an animation #
  • Cool idea; other states doing this? RT @scstatelibrary Looking for SC state document? Docs grouped by originating agency #
  • Woohoo! Farmers turnpike is open again finally! They did a great job! #
  • Skipped out on bb game & went to 7 brides 4 7 brothers instead. Definitely better choice. Wardrobe malfunction w togas in 1st act=hilarity!! #

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