- Twitter Updates for 2009-11-05 http://ff.im/-b43Hk #
- It is way too early. Hitting the road for brick & click conf. #
- Arrived at #bricknclick09. Sitting at table w @roycekitts & @joshuamneff & a bunch of new friends!! #
- RT @joshuamneff: If anyone at Brick & Click wants a stylin' LSW ribbon, come see me! #bricknclick09 #
- #bricknclick09 blog is http://bit.ly/2ehebX facebook page is http://www.tinyurl.com/bcsymp #
- @jokrausdu hi joe in reply to jokrausdu #
- @gohomekiki hi kiersten. nice to meet another oklahoman! (claim ok as home state along w kansas) (sitting between @jokrausdu & @joshuamneff) in reply to gohomekiki #
- @dbavousett contact @joshuamneff he'll hook you up someway. he's josh! in reply to dbavousett #
- @lybrarian @dianjw sitting in cataloging session on next gen catalogs. you're corrupting me! #bricknclick09 #
- @lybrarian @dianajw sitting in cataloging session on next gen catalogs. you're corrupting me! (tagged diana wrong :() #bricknclick09 #
- based on this preso #
- based on this presos next gen catalog features list, koha already has many of these features! go nexpress & koha! #bricknclick09 #
- @roycekitts since i too have a ribbon now, where is the signup for lsw? in reply to roycekitts #
- comfy chairs in this room #bricknclick09 #
- @joshuamneff thanks and signed up. in reply to joshuamneff #
- why cataloging is so important: "Proper functionality comes down to the metadata underneath." #bricknclick09 #
- @jokrausdu @joshuamneff yep, been thoroughly drafted & corrupted in one sweep. in reply to jokrausdu #
- RDA. Need 2 look n2 this more. Was briefly mentioned in my org of info class, but never went n2 depth (or any other metadata) #bricknclick09 #
- @baldgeekinmd hola!! wish you could be out here with us. Its a gorgeous day in the midwest! #bricknclick09 (& great conference) in reply to baldgeekinmd #
- @dianajw you wld LOVE this session i'm in; I learned more in 1 hr than i ever did in entire semester of org of info! will share handouts in reply to dianajw #
- Preparing for RDA implementation for future — and the future is here! #bricknclick09 great way to explain FRBR/RDA, use Pride & Prejudice #
- RT @joshuamneff: RT @USArmy: A moment of silence is planned for 1:34 PM CT – please join us in remembering those who lost their lives. #
- @edbott i always use that + do a twitter search for the site I'm trying to get on. in reply to edbott #
- got handouts from screencasting session; going to spend this hour answering emails instead. #
- (does this hold true for all patrons, not just students?) RT @jokrausdu: Students willing to watch 2 minute videos — Max. #bricknclick09 #
- Getting ready to learn abt collection development in tight economic times #bricknclick09 #
- @gohomekiki sure! will you share yr excel notes from the previous session? presenters in this one will also share slides if you email them in reply to gohomekiki #
- lit review on weeding barriers: motivation; time; risk 2 library's reputation; availability of tools; comm with library users #bricknclick09 #
- RT @mlsjeff: in my instruction experience I'd say it's more or less true. 2-4 mins max. otherwise they facebook. #
- @erindowney i's at bricknclick! ๐ how is you? in reply to erindowney #
- RT @buffyjhamilton: RT @shannonmmiller: Why Wordle-By Steven W. Anderson http://post.ly/BrHt #
- @lybrarian oh no! what happened? in reply to lybrarian #
- @gohomekiki thx! will look later — you wld def be interested in this session's content. taking as many notes as i can in reply to gohomekiki #
- love this library's use of their twitter account ๐ RT @FinneyCountyLib: Coming soon to FCPL: Under the Dome by Stephen King #
- @tararobertson which listservs is the fallout on? am curious to read more. in reply to tararobertson #
- @jokrausdu really? explain more about this at lunch. am very curious about this. in reply to jokrausdu #
- @gohomekiki yep; but it's better than having no interesting sessions in a block of time! ๐ in reply to gohomekiki #
- @erindowney yep — can't wait to watch lessigs speech at #educause this weekend; didn't have time yesterday. lots to learn thx to interwebs in reply to erindowney #
- @mlibrarianus @erindowney just think tho wo twitter u wouldnt even know what u were missing & probably wld never know. wish u cld be here! in reply to mlibrarianus #
- @erindowney definitely! in reply to erindowney #
- RT @bethstill: RT @tomwhitby: PLN: As educators we must BE the change! We need to model if we want acceptance of what we teach. #
- @twitrhag didn't even read through them yet — will let you know if there is and probably cld also find a copy machine and share them w you in reply to twitrhag #
- lightning round session #bricknclick09 gr8 food & even greater networking! #
- networking w pple that is ๐ #
- @bckhough what did you get? #
- @jokrausdu look @ this article: http://bit.ly/2HwUgn Free & Open Source Options for Creating Database-Driven Subject Guides frm code4lib in reply to jokrausdu #
- nxt up: When the Money Runs Out: What do Technical Services Staff Do? #bricknclick09 #
- lib presenting encourages her staff 2 "play" & learn & discover new tech 1 hr/wk; they then share @ staff meeting each month. #bricknclick09 #
- she encourages them to participate in webinars, investigate dev tech, complete 23 things, & offer assistance in other areas #bricknclick09 #
- @jokrausdu np — i hadn't heard of it either before, and am glad i found that article. lots of good info in it. i'm interested in those too in reply to jokrausdu #
- just plugged 23 things kansas in lightning round (hope i didn't break the news too early, @twitrhag & @bckhough & others) #bricknclick09 #
- Siting in on "The World is Calling: Are You listening? Tuning into International Radio & TV Broadcasts" #bricknclick09 #
- Irony #bricknclick09 session this morning mentioned that testing was going live soon. RT @ALA_TechSource: RDA beta testing getting started #
- @erindowney will try to read his post and respond on my little used blog this weekend, k? in reply to erindowney #
- BBC World Service Documentaries: http://bit.ly/uK1Ud #bricknclick09 #
- German Language Learning from Deutsche Welle: http://bit.ly/SNPwE #bricknclick09 #
- starting to really notice that i did leave home this morning at 6am, & didn't fall asleep until after 1. need more caffeine?? #bricknclick09 #
- @wizzyrea i will if they have one at the break that's in 15 mins. thx for suggestion — i always forget abt those for pickmeups in reply to wizzyrea #
- @wizzyrea meanwhile, i'll take notes, with my head on the wall i'm leaning against lol in reply to wizzyrea #
- @J_Nellie ๐ by myself; ends at 4; stopping in atchison for trivia nite w @dianajw & @bckhough & others at 630; then crashing at parents. #
- @gohomekiki no joke; i'm making beeline for caffiene whereever it is at; have long drive ahead of me this afternoon back home in reply to gohomekiki #
- saw this on someone's friendfeed: Organizing childrenรขโฌโขs books for young children: A simple category method – http://bit.ly/39DDK4 #
- Stopped in Atchison on way back frm #bricknclick09 for trivia night. On team w Atchison lib staff @dianajw @bckhough & 2 others. Shld b fun! #
- Breaktime at the trivia contest. After 5 rounds, the team of all librarians + @bckhough 's husband is in the lead! Surprise Surprise! ๐ #
- And the team of librarians won the trivia contest!! #
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