Twitter Updates for 2009-11-05

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-04 #
  • waiting for the nexpress koha users group meeting to begin #
  • @web20classroom got one of those too, myself; from someone i know! in reply to web20classroom #
  • our current mechanic wants to drive our bus. not us. #
  • @wizzyrea where's your netbook? in reply to wizzyrea #
  • @J_Nellie mine does not. in reply to J_Nellie #
  • only complaint about jolicloud so far is that my battery life is no where near as good as it is when i'm in xp. otherwise i love it! #
  • @ranginui where is that setting at? i hadn't noticed that setting before. in reply to ranginui #
  • @ranginui ah thankyou! Just installed it last nite; hadnt explored yet; using it to take notes this morning. That tweak should help a lot! in reply to ranginui #
  • RT @lukask If you get a DM abt a cool game, an IQ quiz, a mafia family, a neat Twitter service, a song, a way to make money, DO NOT CLICK! #
  • @griffey whats the url for the live streaming at educause? in reply to griffey #
  • @griffey thx; i saw somewhere lessig was presenting today but lost the url already and wanted to see if he was on the list for the live feed in reply to griffey #
  • i've got priceless christmas present ideas for my parents; thx @dianajw for the flyer!! hehehehe (evil laugh) #
  • @J_Nellie just sent you dm; cant put publicly since my parents cld potential see it! in reply to J_Nellie #
  • @Mahhtha are there pics online for those of us unlucky enough to be outside OK? (and where is newkirk in OK?) in reply to Mahhtha #
  • @Mahhtha if you find any, let me know — am curious how it looks! in reply to Mahhtha #
  • @teachlib yr kidding! wow. i thought that kind of q wld have been jumped on by lots of librarians. guess many dont do cataloging anymore? in reply to teachlib #
  • new use of Facebook i hadnt thought of before: set up private group for lib staff (if all on FB), for staff comm. are any others doing this? #
  • @netjenner I was wondering the same thing about the b&c hashtag (searched Twitter & found yr tweet) is there one yet? in reply to netjenner #
  • @jokrausdu did you find out abt the b&c hashtag? in reply to jokrausdu #
  • @MLx what?? That is scary. I thought that was part of their job description that they'd be the ones mentally with it!!! in reply to MLx #
  • @MLx som1 is def in trble. Hate that it took this happ 4 them to realize mental health care is needed-wo fear of repercussions frm superiors in reply to MLx #
  • @J_Nellie wasn't going to say it earlier, but i sure thought — why do you still need to use serial cables/ports??? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • going to bed early; leaving for brick & click at crack of dawn (is there a hashtag yet?). tonite's movie: mary poppins! #
  • @erindowney or at least AG or whatever executive branch positive will put him in the place to best influence copyright law rewrite! in reply to erindowney #
  • @erindowney positive should have been position. i really need to go to sleep! in reply to erindowney #

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