Twitter Updates for 2009-11-04

  • Twitter Updates for 2009-11-03 #
  • @mrschupa uh oh. hope your level isn't breached any further then. in reply to mrschupa #
  • @sawilson i 2nd @TheDLC 's rec of soup. in reply to TheDLC #
  • RT @markgammon: Twitter is about a new relationship to/with information, people, ideas. it's about people not about technology #edtwitter #
  • @teachlib give me a min and will get it for you 🙂 in reply to teachlib #
  • RT @lrainie our new report Social Isolation & New Technology finds tech users have larger & more diverse social networks #
  • @teachlib i couldn't find it either; exhausted all my normal cataloging resources where i get that info, normally #
  • @J_Nellie lol. good luck. that install not going so well? in reply to J_Nellie #
  • RT @glambert: RT @heathermilligan: Show these Chicago attorneys the power of the ReTweet, please retweet this message. #lma #lawyer #
  • RT @debbieweil Ever wonder where "the cloud" is? Where yr Flickr pics, Google docs, gmail, etc. reside, via @CNN #
  • @erindowney will definitely be listening in to "General Session: It Is About Time: Getting Our Values Around Copyright Right" in reply to erindowney #
  • @teachlib that'd be about what i'd guess to0. there's one book i found that's sim with 21st cent skills, is at 373.18: in reply to teachlib #
  • @akearns can't wait to read all yr tweets! in reply to akearns #
  • RT @akearns The @ concept & the mentions page and and the RTs and the hashtags not invented by them only by USERS! Simple and open to ht use #
  • RT @JanieH Twitter not interested in a particular market (ie teens), just in creating a great service that ppl find useful. #twitter #dorsey #
  • @teachlib am shocked no 1 else had it; couldnt find it in ks statewide ill sys, OCLC, or Worldcat. Thats usually where Im able 2 get call #s in reply to teachlib #
  • @cclibrarian email said casual dress — and layers; i'm planning to wear jeans in reply to cclibrarian #
  • @MLx saw the treaty last nite; how can US even consider this: it goes agnst due process (not 2 mention free speech, free flow of info, etc.) #
  • Installing jolicloud on netbook. So far so good. In the middle of the system install. #
  • @bckhough I love dropbox. Used it to back up my netbook files right b4 I installed another OS on it 🙂 in reply to bckhough #
  • If u have computer hooked up to tv & have iPhone, AirMouse is a musthave app. Hadn't used it in awhile until tonite. It's great!! #
  • jolicloud install was very simple; works great on my samsung; easy peasy/ubuntu remix were never compatible w mine; jolicloud is! #
  • @akearns is netbook ubuntu remix OS-customized 4 the cloud! invite-only rite now; can request 1 at or i can send you one in reply to akearns #
  • when i finally go to sleep, i usually have a movie on: tonite, it's going to be white christmas 🙂 🙂 #

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