- Twitter Updates for 2009-11-02 http://ff.im/-aUmNu #
- @mlsjeff new job??? did i miss that announcement? congrats! in reply to mlsjeff #
- @mlsjeff congratulations!!! 🙂 distance ed — now that's a job i'd like. will be curious to hear how that goes. I handle ILL training now, 2 in reply to mlsjeff #
- RT @web20classroom: I just have to say that I love Skype…huge game changer for education…. #
- just did my 1st oclc ill req, since reg person is out sick. @dianajw (her old job) walked me through the process. Not too difficult at all! #
- @erindowney seen this? http://bit.ly/tSEd2 #
- RT @lindawadman: RT @drausche: 13 Point Library Media Program Checklist for School Principals, 2009 http://bit.ly/4hWaRK #
- @mayfieldc hs football game? which one? playoffs just started, right, in kansas? in reply to mayfieldc #
- downloading new glee & steven curtis chapman cds; making nachos @ home; watching ku bb; & talked politics w college friend=perfect nite! #
- @Lkeesing @buffyjhamilton wld be the best person to start w to ask that question to abt how hs lib media spec used twitter in their classes in reply to Lkeesing #
- @Lkeesing collaborations in general? is this with other school libs? will send you some recs; need to go check my list first. in reply to Lkeesing #
- @Lkeesing also, welcome 2 Twitter! is gr8 way 2 quickly connect, learn, & share w fellow teachers & librarians (& others) #
- @Mahhtha yeah i get a bunch of those when i don't check my follower list periodically; end up blocking most of them. in reply to Mahhtha #
- @buffyjhamilton new Twitterer @Lkeesing was asking how school libs use Twitter in thr classes. figured u were the best person to start 2 🙂 #
- @Mahhtha me either; she makes me want to make my account locked sometimes; always have to check for her before demoing twitter in reply to Mahhtha #
- @Mahhtha np — glad it's not just me that's annoyed by her in reply to Mahhtha #
- @Mahhtha thx — i enjoy following you too 🙂 learn from you too! in reply to Mahhtha #
- @J_Nellie alrdy bght 2 tracks (dont stop believin & somebody 2 love) maybe this time; defying gravity; keep holding on=worth full purchase in reply to J_Nellie #
- @erindowney ur terrible (re ksu comment); but i guess its yr alma mater. Im not saying anything 2 add 2 that, being frm lawrence & all. hehe in reply to erindowney #
- uh oh RT @JimMacMillan: boingboing.net: Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. http://is.gd/4MuVq #
- @JanieH are you going to blog/tweet this? in reply to JanieH #
- @JanieH sorry caught that — after i posted it & forgot to specify — the visit to the college of nj by Jack Dorsey in reply to JanieH #
- @joshuamneff seen this? http://is.gd/4MuVq in reply to joshuamneff #
- @erindowney mine could teach the chairwoman how to massage backs 🙂 mine like to do that in the morning in reply to erindowney #
- @jdarlinghess awesome to hear!!! in reply to jdarlinghess #
- @erindowney u (actually @chairwoman_meow) inspired my pair of cats to tweet @whitesoxnstorm. LOL 🙂 tell her thx from them, k? in reply to erindowney #
- @mayfieldc whos point person 4 ksu twitter projct? gr8 article on student twitter participation http://bit.ly/3cA0IJ in reply to mayfieldc #
- awesome idea for libraries: "close to home: library fundraiser offers a feast of books and food" http://bit.ly/3GVnsr #
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