- Twitter Updates for 2009-10-28 http://ff.im/-aDbKj #
- in manhattan at the annual ill summit \; this should be fun! #
- RT @OReillyMedia: Safari Books Online 6.0: A Cloud Library as an alternate model for ebooks http://bit.ly/gyBmv #
- @Miromurr congrats on the milestone. pretty soon they'll be drooling over it, too and wonder what took so long to adopt macs π in reply to Miromurr #
- @JanieH it has a cool name? in reply to JanieH #
- normally love the word web 2.0, but this morning extremely sick of it. #
- @roclib lol — yes its def both apples. i'm in the little one, for clarification purposes. π in reply to roclib #
- @roclib ooh s abram. is he the keynote this morning at #il2009 in reply to roclib #
- RT @Lifehacker: Trick Out Google Apps for Your Domain http://lifehacker.com/5391537 #googleapps #gmail #
- hope i didn't make a fool of myself discussing the z target situation with the klc main and cataloging. #
- RT @libraryman: LIVE STREAM of the #library101 Project launch starts @ 1:30pm PST. TY Shanachies! Pls RT! http://bit.ly/1tBkR3 #
- rt @annacreech: "Knitting parties – it's like LAN parties, only cooler." #il2009 #
- @wizzyrea huh? maintaining ? in reply to wizzyrea #
- ILL does not substitute for good collection development π ill meeting #
- @wizzyrea π can you not acces it on your iphone either? in reply to wizzyrea #
- @wizzyrea stupid question, i knopw in reply to wizzyrea #
- @ashuping we have a statewide ill system in place in ks. todays the annual meeting. have a hybrid union catalog-some z targets & some static in reply to ashuping #
- carolyn talking about the statewide courier system π go carolyn!! #
- 178 public; 8 jr college; 15 4-year; 2 spec…missed the school lib numbers involved in the statewide courier service #
- 45K items circulated on the courier in September. Wow. #
- @ashuping not in ks. all types involved! in reply to ashuping #
- courier website: http://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org #
- @ashuping which state ru you in? we r def spoiled in ks. have almost a tiered sys of service: state lib-reg sys-local libs, so lots of coord in reply to ashuping #
- @ashuping not good. we should all be working together, regardless of library type. in reply to ashuping #
- dodge city is happy and we like the courier π #
- @ashuping it really works great, esp w the rural areas, 1-person libs in ks. (but i'm biased, since i work for one of the regional systems!) in reply to ashuping #
- funds in the materials replacement fund at the state library can be applied for, for materials lost in mail/courier, etc. for ill purposes #
- RT @heidigoseek: RT @Rudibrarian: "I don't understand why people are afraid of new ideas, I'm afraid of the old ones" John Cage #IL2009 #
- 4 items missing in the kansas library express courier system, out the of the 100k+ shipped since july 6!! #
- RT @webmaster_ref: Facebook a friend to Small Business http://twurl.nl/fljvzx #
- you get the cape and the tiara for superuser permissions in agent. –rhonda π #
- have been using my netbook pretty solid (except for 50 min break) since 945. Battery at 33% π i love this computer! #
- @J_Nellie 330 acc to the schedule (hope sooner lol) in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie rotfl!!! have cordless to take into potty? in reply to J_Nellie #
- @mlsjeff have samsung nc10; is good — many in my library circle of friends have asus eeepc. both a great; biggest tip: upgrade ram to 2gb in reply to mlsjeff #
- RT @TopekaLibrary Topeka library's @davidleeking stars in a new web music video called "Library 101." Check it http://bit.ly/2PTFpK #
- RT @LibraryGuy RT from at least half of the people on my friends list: http://bit.ly/2bbQDH #library101 Wooooo! @libraryman @davidleeking #
- @erindowney ugh taking notes by hand? whats that? do those pple not realize handwriting has gone down tube? notes have 2b retyped anyway! in reply to erindowney #
- RT @laurabotts To all FriendFeeders currently in exile. Put #friendfeedisdown in a tweet. Let's see if we can break Trending Topics. π #
- @bohyunkim how are you using wolfram alpha? still don't get it at all or its point. in reply to bohyunkim #
- RT @LISNews: 62 Projects to Make with a Dead Computer http://bit.ly/1kS8Vq #
- @cheekfam go phillies (i don't even care much for bb, and i'm rooting for the phillies; boo yankees!) in reply to cheekfam #
- going to bed. hoping i get some actual real sleep tonight. #
- RT @joshuamneff: RT @markvanbaale: RT @KansasCityStar: Amber Alert issued for missing Independence teen http://bit.ly/AADsH Pls RT #
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