- Twitter Updates for 2009-10-26 http://ff.im/-awgWH #
- @J_Nellie let us know how it goes; we haven't really used it yet, but wld be interested to see what others think! in reply to J_Nellie #
- RT @MLx: Looking forward to #il2009 posts today…wish I was there. #
- RT @billamend xkcd pays tribute to GeoCities today. Best viewed in Netscape Navigator 4.7 or better http://xkcd.com/ (a wave of nostalgia!) #
- @buffyjhamilton good luck! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- @J_Nellie i did it once with some at ksu — it was great! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie someone* can't type this morning! lol in reply to J_Nellie #
- RT @jdysart: If you aren't in Monterey for #IL2009 you can still see our opening keynote, vint Cerf, http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ILlive, join us. #
- @erindowney woohoo!! so thankful they're streaming. i'm listening in. enjoy the conf! in reply to erindowney #
- @J_Nellie did bt working on something else for a while; will get to it in a bit — creating google map mashup for legislative advocacy stuff in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie awesome thx! in reply to J_Nellie #
- RT @nengard: cloud computing is like time sharing on steroids #il2009 #
- ditto! RT @erindowney: Cerf: less teaching, more learning. BRAVO!!! learning through doing the future of education. I agree. #
- @erindowney now to just get the teachers on board :-\ in reply to erindowney #
- @lorireed i'll jump up and down in my office for you π I loved those quotes, too! (listening online) in reply to lorireed #
- working on a google map mashup; annoyed with firefox for mac performance, so switching to google chrome on win7 to see if that works better #
- @erindowney lessig had a ted talk??? must find…. in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney need to read his book too. π in reply to erindowney #
- friend has three google wave invites left; want one, direct message me your gmail address. 1st come 1st serve! #
- all wave invites taken. thx #
- @Sentry sorry all out. in reply to Sentry #
- @edaniel sorry all out. in reply to edaniel #
- @J_Nellie its his; coming from royce… in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie will do in reply to J_Nellie #
- @Sentry nope — asked for direct messages — that's where they came through. sorry. in reply to Sentry #
- RT @J_Nellie: RT @brewinlibrarian: Libs must create center of conversation in the community. "Be where stuff happens" #il2009 #
- @J_Nellie use google chrome — works much better! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie LOL. funny funny funny. in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie signed up for the oclc thing at ku π thanks for sending it!! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie draw a pic! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @erindowney take pics!!! in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney well that makes pics pointless then. π sounds very interesting, though. in reply to erindowney #
- am not having a good day with my mac; finally lost battle with mac ff, and am using google chrome in windows 7 through virtualbox install #
- RT @J_Nellie helped @lanecolibrary download ebooks from Kansas Audiobooks, music, & more & transfer to their sony reader. How cool is that?! #
- @J_Nellie @erindowney says to publish your method for how you helped @lanecolibrary in reply to J_Nellie #
- @cpedraza nothing in particular. in general, firefox is just not cooperating on the mac side–constantly crashes/beach balls for sev seconds in reply to cpedraza #
- @J_Nellie theres time…. we've got a few days…. hang on sys con meeting tomorrow. let me tell laura. sound good? in reply to J_Nellie #
- @erindowney sneaky social web tactics???? π sure wish i cld sit in on that one. what are you going to say abt facebooks changes? in reply to erindowney #
- going home to work on more stuff for work; google map & kla conf proposals at top of list. #
- @erindowney hehehe smart in reply to erindowney #
- looks like @librarianbyday & @erindowney had gr8 crowd! RT @brewinlibrarian: Sneaking social media into your library… http://bit.ly/129A8t #
- @MLx i know i hate following it all from long distance. twitter helps but still not the same in reply to MLx #
- @marfita congrats on the mortgage paying off milestone. what a feat!!! in reply to marfita #
- @bckhough saw u this mentioned a couple of places: what is google squared? #
- @MLx very good idea. will have to do the same. in reply to MLx #
- @TheDLC enjoy! should be a piece of cake! in reply to TheDLC #
- reading online, while one cat is curled up at my feet and the other on my chest. π perfect monday evening! #
- RT @mstephens7: RT @thecorkboard: Today's WordPress as CMS presentation now available on Slideshare: http://bit.ly/Ozisb #
- RT @jamingaroutte I love using WordPress as a CMS, and the simplicity makes it ideal for the majority of my clients. #
- RT @desertlibrarian say "the tweet sent me" & get 20% off an ITI book! #il2009 #
- @MLx seen this? @ms_tinamarie Thanks for this! RT @pcsweeney Twitter Summary of Internet Librarian 2009 #il2009 http://bit.ly/B3Nm6 in reply to MLx #
- @MLx i like the m&m idea, or how about any type of chocolate? in reply to MLx #
- i <3 @tedtalks!! watching/listening to http://bit.ly/pllm2 amazing. #
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