- Twitter Updates for 2009-10-22 http://ff.im/-ahvyj #
- #fallnekls09 keynote: effective advocacy. Best quote so far: "maybe you don't need me" many pple in room regularly speak to public officials #
- Where to learn more about framing a public policy issue: http://www.frameworksinstitute.org/ #fallnekls09 #
- coalition efforts–think about all possible organizations that might help you on an issue; don't write off anyone #fallnekls09 #
- RT @roycekitts #fallnekls09 building relationships need to be a long term effort, not just when you need something. #
- #fallnekls09 for meeting w the official, choose spokespersons: a couple of pple to make the ask & a couple of pple to give illustrations #
- Always thank a legislator or whichever official you're meeting with. #fallnekls09 #
- great activity: groups pre-planned a meeting w official, & now practicing carrying out that meeting in front of whole group #fallnekls09 #
- unlike specific interest groups, "libraries represent every person in communities at all levels" -sean bird #fallnekls09 what a great quote! #
- @laurabotts no fun. Lolcats can help explain just about anything! in reply to laurabotts #
- RT @chrisbrogan: What purpose does your library serve these days? – http://bit.ly/3s99ZS #
- @chrisbrogan libraries in ks=free internet access for those wo access/can't afford it, in order to apply for jobs, unemployment, taxes (1) in reply to chrisbrogan #
- @chrisbrogan libraries in ks=community center for learning, retooling for education, culture, yes, entertainment resources (2) in reply to chrisbrogan #
- @chrisbrogan unlike interest groups, "libraries represent every person in communities at all levels"-sean bird, rossville, ks lib dir (3) in reply to chrisbrogan #
- @HighTechDad thx for the invite on threadsy; how'd you add facebook? in reply to HighTechDad #
- @HighTechDad nevemind; saw it after I clicked Finish. Pretty cool site. Thanks for posting it! #
- sharing 10 private invites to threadsy! a fresh new email + facebook + twitter experience http://bit.ly/h2XkH #
- @HighTechDad saw it as soon as i logged in. Thanks! in reply to HighTechDad #
- RT @maxmacias: RT @linkstoliteracy: RT @readingrockets: 27 interesting ways to use Twitter in the classroom. Add yours! http://ow.ly/vW9e #
- considering deleting all rss feeds in google reader & starting from scratch; too many to keep track of; what are others doing for rss? #
- this one makes me miss my OBU co-workers: http://bit.ly/v5qNP such fond memories of them 🙂 (inside story) #
- @erindowney seen this conference? Announcing K12 Online 2009 Presenters http://bit.ly/CDzwe from @k12online #
- piano stairs: A great example of how fun design can change people’s behavior. Boundless implications for librar.. http://bit.ly/23NWpX #
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