- group getting ready to watch #ebksmt — we had 30 registered for our site; about 20 are here so far. #
- @hybridlib hola miss erin. We still miss you in Kansas! #ebksmt in reply to hybridlib #
- @JanieH @itsjustkate i'm still trying to figure out what happened. It has something to do w a budget fight bw DA & county. in reply to JanieH #
- @technolibrary hola carolyn 🙂 in reply to technolibrary #
- @booksNyarn our group is in — but i didn't see how the person got us in… #ebksmt in reply to booksNyarn #
- @cmairn yes we are — we educate from birth to death 🙂 in reply to cmairn #
- @LibrarianRy there was a volume control button we found at the bottom of the panel that jacked up the volume #ebksmt in reply to LibrarianRy #
- @nicolibrarian there's a fullscreen button somewhere for the slides that our group got opened… #ebksmt #
- @nicolibrarian 🙂 that's how it goes! in reply to nicolibrarian #
- @TomTaylorMLIS saw @nicolibrarian answered — @bckhough is the one who found the button for our group — didn't know where it was! in reply to TomTaylorMLIS #
- go @buffyjhamilton 🙂 #ebksmt #
- incl users, accessibility, economics, non tech-savvy, fear, platforms, etc. RT @beckybrarian: Theme of the day: equitable access #ebksmt #
- @LibrarianRy YUM! 🙂 #ebksmt in reply to LibrarianRy #
- is anyone else hearing occasional sound cues in #ebksmt What do those mean? #
- @mwphillips75 its confusing our group #ebksmt in reply to mwphillips75 #
- @collegecate that makes perfect sense; or his chat or something. in reply to collegecate #
- its not just an access issue. training is a huge part of ebook/ereaders & having easy one-click usable platforms even more important #ebksmt #
- @wfryer looks like @RobNesb #ebksmt in reply to wfryer #
- @stevelibrarian i want ease of use, i'm techie & i can't use the library econtent platforms! what about those who aren't techie at all? in reply to stevelibrarian #
- @hybridlib i love my Kindle app and less so Nook app; Stanza app gets used some too #ebksmt in reply to hybridlib #
- @carolbatt yum — love Harvey and Sons Peppermint 🙂 in reply to carolbatt #
- @gohomekiki @brownez thx you two. Now I do as well! in reply to gohomekiki #
- @jreinhart81 yes @ulotrichous #ebksmt #pub #ebksmt #pub in reply to jreinhart81 #
- @georgiawebgurl just found your cataloging basics preso from 3 years ago. may i borrow some analogies/terminologu (credit of course) #
- @georgiawebgurl needing to build preso for tiny library that wasn't previously automated. normal terminology over their heads. #
- @georgiawebgurl looking to build training from their current knowledge, etc. really liked what you had done. #
- anyone interested in following notes from the #pub #ebksmt track, plus keynotes, check out @lybrarian's notes: http://t.co/F29Zd9kF #
- sweetspot: medium cost +short duration + low frequency -@ulotrichous #ebksmt #pub #
- we have libs in our consortia who circulate cake pans. Someone is planning to catalog Halloween costumes http://t.co/ENyTm4Aa #ebksmt #pub #
- my niece & nephew love the interactive kids books on my iP@ad. forget angry birds: they want Thomas, Shrek, Rapunzel, please! #ebksmt #
- does anyone know how to get a CE certificate for the entire #ebksmt ? we're finding them for each session but not the entire event #
- @bckhough oh well in reply to bckhough #
- @princessofworld your cat (skippyjon jones) is on the screen at the ebook summit 🙂 #
- This is fantastic. RT @michelleramsell: #ebksmt Karin Slaughter really gets libraries. And she really gets libraries + digital. #
- Hmm @buffyjhamilton @pollyalida @erindowney @librarianbyday ?? 🙂 RT @katephoran: Pack yr ereader; leaves more space for extra shoes.#ebksmt #
- @librarianbyday @buffyjhamilton @pollyalida @erindowney @katephoran was fun to hear an author say that; knew you ladies would concur! in reply to librarianbyday #
- "Imagination and curiosity are the heart of that idea; if we have those qualities, learning becomes joyous." @mwesch http://t.co/gwH5kRkg #
- @glecharles you all did great today. thanks for all the work to make the event a success! in reply to glecharles #
- @pollyalida author Karin Slaughter to end the ebook summit today 🙂 in reply to pollyalida #
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