- @calimae that always brightens your day 🙂 in reply to calimae #
- @shlew wow. no words. kindergarten/first grade maybe for 5 minutes, but High school — and all day? wow. in reply to shlew #
- E-books' popularity is rewriting the sales story – USATODAY.com http://t.co/bg6L73W via @addthis #
- Learning Tool or Distraction? – ASCD EDge Blog post http://t.co/D12C6fI via @addthis #
- Peaceful lunch 🙂 http://t.co/Wn1PozR #
- How did I get thru HS, college, and 1st round of grad school without ever studying outside?? Loving this weather. Hoping it's a motivator #
- On 2nd thought theres enough of a breeze, I'm cold and heading indoors. Too used to 90-100s, not 70! #
- Loving landau eugene murphy jr 🙂 #agt His voice alone makes you smile! 🙂 #
- @alemon agreed liked her first 2 times; last 2, thumbs down. Top tonight: silhouettes, team illuminate, landau eugene murphy jr; others ?? in reply to alemon #
- @alemon vampire dance troupe freaks me out; silhouettes is worth watching altho might make you cry. other performers weren't as great. in reply to alemon #
- @alemon here's the silhouettes performance: http://t.co/DiY8S2j in reply to alemon #
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