- @alemon because you're both crazy and smart, plus like teaching?? in reply to alemon #
- every teacher, school librarian, professor, and academic librarian needs to read this: "What Students Don't Know" http://t.co/Fk50fQa #
- @teacherman82 what are you thoughts on this story? http://t.co/l9EXRFc #
- Evening date w homework: first day of classes is here! 🙂 also hoping to get further into the element book. #
- Loving that @SignsofLifeKS is playing one of Steven Curtis Chapman's newest songs, Do Everything. A new favorite! #
- @gohomekiki everything okay? in reply to gohomekiki #
- @buffyjhamilton even pesky gnats are defeated by you! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- @hybridlib ok that's just wrong. in reply to hybridlib #
- any instructional designers out there, what's you go-to job board site for instructional design jobs? needed for a class assignment. Thanks! #
- @Sara_Mooney thats very weird. Is it a national chain? I wonder why that happened! Never been in a hotel room before without a closet! in reply to Sara_Mooney #
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