Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-08-20

  • @annehaines less windy world this morning! my part of town skipped the worst of the storm it seems. parts of topeka & lawrence, not so much in reply to annehaines #
  • @JDelaGardelle will keep praying for baby Jude. Faith comes thru strongest in a storm. His momma is a faithful woman of the Lord!! in reply to JDelaGardelle #
  • focus…please find me today. I've lost you somewhere — maybe in last nights wind? come find me soon. thanks! #
  • @shlew thx may be poetic, but i was being literal: we had a "fun" windstorm in area last night: my part of town escaped; others not so lucky in reply to shlew #
  • @shlew that does remind me that i keep whispering to myself — you need to write more….hmmm… πŸ™‚ hope yours appears too! in reply to shlew #
  • perk of my job: sometimes I get to help my mom over the phone — and it's work-related! πŸ™‚ [she's a school librarian in our region] #
  • @wizzyrea construction + move-in day + students back = NIGHTMARE indeed in reply to wizzyrea #
  • grad classes start again monday: don't hate me but I'm excited: finally get to learn about instructional design & theory behind it! πŸ™‚ #
  • @msauers lol πŸ™‚ in reply to msauers #
  • @itsjustkate @bethazon i share more ed stuff than library stuff, its all interconnected; + as generalists, libs should be exposed to lots! in reply to itsjustkate #
  • @Bethazon np! i used to stress abt twitter followers/unfollowers; now don't care. if you want to listen to my stuff, fine, if not, fine too! in reply to Bethazon #
  • overnight at parents (funeral home) +crazy thunderstorm +power outage (brief)=me spooked (first time in years that i've gotten spooked here) #
  • @JDelaGardelle only the Lord knows the number of our days. not man. praying for strength, healing in spite of odds & for jude's protection in reply to JDelaGardelle #

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