- @buffyjhamilton glad to hear the heat wave finally broke! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- @ClaudiaBossBil np Claudia. You will forever be our crown jewel for that program! in reply to ClaudiaBossBil #
- @cmairn I'm taking mobile app design as part of my ed tech program this fall — may be hitting you up w qs from time to time! 🙂 in reply to cmairn #
- @lybrarian after getting back from Bgame, came downtown to café to work on techsoup post that's still hanging over me. hope vet goes well in reply to lybrarian #
- tech day guest post will get written today; and maybe other writing, too… #
- @lawlesslbrarian abt @buffyjhamilton presenting: there's a video of her enchantment preso at ISTE: http://t.co/yYBxxQH INSPIRING! #
- @cmairn sounds good; i'm sure i'll come calling for help; will be out of my comfort zone w this class, but looking forward to learning lots! in reply to cmairn #
- @benasmith glad to hear you're doing that! I have educator contacts if you need any names of any teachers/principals using social media in reply to benasmith #
- @teacherman82 seen this project? RT @buffyjhamilton: Just joined http://t.co/FMDPELM #nwp #
- @pollyalida we were talking on @tisfortraining today abt how another conference like this week's cld b on Instructional/presentation design! in reply to pollyalida #
- @TechSoup4Libs working on my post right now…. 🙂 in reply to TechSoup4Libs #
- @annehaines LOL! enjoy. in reply to annehaines #
- @benasmith principals/admins: Alan Beam @ Shawnee Heights HS; @NMHS_Principal @mcleod @baldy7 @chrislehmann @bhsprincipal in reply to benasmith #
- @benasmith Also, good resource: Ntl School Board Assoc report on social networking–from 2007! http://t.co/WgSwlSc in reply to benasmith #
- @benasmith finally, dont know what you'll be talking abt, but you might look into filtering/social media…can send you links if interested in reply to benasmith #
- @EDUCAUSEeq thanks! in reply to EDUCAUSEeq #
- @annehaines ahhhhh how sweet! 🙂 newly adopted cats are always always happy for attention. in reply to annehaines #
- @benasmith let me know if i can help more; rlly hoping your presentation will break barriers/misperceptions! social media+ed=huge potential in reply to benasmith #
- @annehaines my last 3 cats have been strays/dumped in yards — all have loved attention 🙂 in reply to annehaines #
- @strnglibrarian sad you couldn't join us; what happened? in reply to strnglibrarian #
- @evhemphill not yet; just haven't had time yet; might try this weekend — plus still need to send you an email! thx for reminding me! in reply to evhemphill #
- only in lawrence: Abe and Mary Todd Lincoln just walked by Signs of Life, complete with black suit, beard, hat, and hoop-skirt dress! #
- @bananasuit that explains it! Ty 🙂 in reply to bananasuit #
- 34 Awesome Quotes on Leadership http://t.co/ZfgVart #
- What TEDTalk would you play to open the school year? http://t.co/Nv07GiR #
- 20 Awesome Quotes on Beginning http://t.co/M9QreHY #
- Good PowerPoint Design http://t.co/nXwpT8D from @pollyalida #
- What Makes Innovators Different? http://t.co/Amt69m3 #
- How Students Use Technology [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/KQJwPLj #
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