- looking forward to @charbooth's session #learntrends #
- online handout from @charbooth http://tinyurl.com/boothwebj-hand #learntrends #
- @technolibrary good luck w it all! in reply to technolibrary #
- highly recommend @charbooth's book Reflective Teaching Effective Learning http://bit.ly/hmHYbO #learntrends #
- MLS did not prepare me for teaching/training: why i'm pursuing ed tech master's thru boise state university #learntrends #
- @lindsaysez LOVE the program; & it's actually surprising some of the issues that intersect w librarianship: digital divide, needs, planning in reply to lindsaysez #
- @lindsaysez I HIGHLY recommend you look at it; 1 semester completed, & its best decision I've made in reply to lindsaysez #
- @lindsaysez program info: http://edtech.boisestate.edu & my online learning journal: http://is.gd/fVpRqH in reply to lindsaysez #
- Marilyn Johnson's This Book is Overdue is fantastic! http://is.gd/zRRM2l #learntrends #
- I'm finding mindmapping/concept mapping very useful for seeing big picture of all projects; i'm using iThoughtsHD on iPad #learntrends #
- @libkitty you really should; very powerful tool; its uses are limitless #learntrends in reply to libkitty #
- @elfgreen its a freemium service; up to a certain level evernote is free #learntrends in reply to elfgreen #
- @elfgreen np! in reply to elfgreen #
- Our incentives for coming to training at NEKLS home-cooked meals. YUM! #learntrends http://twitpic.com/64gnbw #
- the library as genius bar — tech support story from reference desk http://is.gd/Jv01nf by @SwissArmyLib #learntrends #
- Good tech training source is a new book by @jessamyn Without a Net: Librarians Bridging the Digital Divide http://is.gd/cO7T20 #learntrends #
- "Illiterate of 21st century will not be those who cannot read & write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, & relearn" -Toffler #learntrends #
- "I know where to find stuff, information about technology" consult the manual–>google #learntrends #
- YouTube another good source for finding info about tech; how to do things; #learntrends #
- NEKLS has a technology toybox we use w school & public librarians in our system; VERY popular & useful: http://is.gd/tsvS82 #learntrends #
- motivating older learners: Reflections from older learner KS 23 things program @ClaudiaBossBil: http://is.gd/na4Bak & http://is.gd/PvBjSz #
- motivating older learners: Reflections from @ClaudiaBossBil in KS 23 Things program: http://is.gd/na4Bak & http://is.gd/PvBjSz #learntrends #
- being willing to train while the job is happening; actually, this makes it practical, timely #learntrends #
- @gohomekiki woohoo!! in reply to gohomekiki #
- @MariaOD we're not hearing music here from the conference… in reply to MariaOD #
- @MariaOD I saw in chat this website: http://projectplay.owlsweb.info #learntrends in reply to MariaOD #
- SD group presentation on beyond 23 things v interesting. Never considered using model for db training before! #learntrends #
- looking forward to @buffyjhamilton's presentation on participatory learning closing the #learntrends conference! #
- Cultivating the Library as a Site of Participatory Culture and Learning from @buffyjhamilton http://goo.gl/anSa1 #learntrends #
- @gcaserotti WHAT?? in reply to gcaserotti #
- @gcaserotti that is wrong on so many different levels in reply to gcaserotti #
- The library: "It's all about learning…how is this going to fundamentally enrich a conversation?" @rdlankes #learntrends #
- "There isn't a part of the library that isn't about learning. Learning is a collaborative conversation." @rdlankes #learntrends #
- speed dating authors — could be great idea for book club trying to find new topics for reading or new authors #learntrends #
- geek the library: silver and red sharpies on black construction paper: what do you geek? #learntrends #
- @49susans its a campaign: http://www.geekthelibrary.org check it out! quite powerful really #learntrends in reply to 49susans #
- geek — what's your passion — what do you like #learntrends basehorlibrary's Geek the library campaign: http://is.gd/978OIP #
- the children's librarian at basehorlibrary geeks humor: http://is.gd/Otd1ZF LOVE her poster! #librarytrends #
- as always, inspired by and learned from @buffyjhamilton her knowledge & desire to share motivates me to do the same! #learntrends #
- thank you @WebJunction & @ALALearning for #learntrends this has truly been 10 of the best hours i've spent learning in a long time! #
- Looking forward to next hour listening to a new album, re:creation by SCC: http://t.co/o2OCQow Old favorites recreated. #
- Rachel's Last Fundraiser http://t.co/hYZKA6P from @NickKristof Yes, one person can impact the world, even a child. #
- @technolibrary i give up on the political process and parties in traditional process. they got us into these messes. won't get us out in reply to technolibrary #
- @technolibrary media plays role in all of this too in reply to technolibrary #
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