- it's crunch time for projects! making progress 🙂 #
- @janbrooks1 i'm putting together a webquest on weeding for web design class. i'll make sure to send it to you when I'm done 🙂 #
- @hybridlib I didn't sedate my cats last move (only 1 mile); Will be sedating them next time. Less stressful on 3 of us. in reply to hybridlib #
- @hybridlib One of mine is scared of anyone but me, and got stuck behind washer & dryer, trying to hide. Horrible sounds #movinghardonpets in reply to hybridlib #
- @hybridlib oh no! 🙁 any luck? in reply to hybridlib #
- @NickKristof it's actually over $700,000 now: http://t.co/K1AgISj She taught us all what it means to truly live & help others. in reply to NickKristof #
- @thunderbrarian its on my list. my very very long list. 🙂 in reply to thunderbrarian #
- @thunderbrarian finishing up the first semester of ed tech program tonight/tomorrow. Perfectly pleased with decision to pursue this! in reply to thunderbrarian #
- @thunderbrarian you still thinking about it/applied/accepted? in reply to thunderbrarian #
- @thunderbrarian cool! All my assignments for 502 are done, if you want to see what you're getting yourself into 🙂 http://t.co/M9x6aNx in reply to thunderbrarian #
- SOOOO close to being done….Down to one assignment. #
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