- @hybridlib woohoo! happy roadtripping with uhaul! in reply to hybridlib #
- working on one of the final projects of the semester. Librarians: Other than the CREW manual, what's your favorite weeding guide or tip(s)? #
- @ashuping yep: http://t.co/XO3DrKe 🙂 in reply to ashuping #
- @ashuping thx for the tips: designing a webquest for my webdesign class. Decided to do it on weeding. May try to use w libs at work in reply to ashuping #
- @MelanieCDuncan 🙂 LOVE this one! TY! in reply to MelanieCDuncan #
- @ashuping np; i'll push out a link to this assignment when it's done; i'm bringing together lots of weeding resources as well! in reply to ashuping #
- @ashuping why put the time & effort into an assignment, if it's not going to get used by others? in reply to ashuping #
- "Voting conscience" I thought politicians represented will of their constituents, not simple majority, party or ideology http://t.co/fWa4cIr #
- DC mess disgusts me but in democracy, blame in end rests w voters. When will we look beyond R/D, ideology, slick media ads & elect LEADERS? #
- Leaders who look/listen to all sides, listen to all constituents, ignore party lines, & do whats best for state & nation? oh & compromise #
- back into my rabbit hole full of homework. let me know when political courage & respect for our nation reappears. not extreme ideology #
- @janbrooks1 I didn't know about it until I was at NEKLS. (but also didn't take collection dev in library school) in reply to janbrooks1 #
- Question: how do we move people from needing workshops/formal instruction to learn to become more responsible for own learning (esp tech) #
- @sj62499 Everyone. Impossible to hold formal learning on every new thing that comes out. Early adopters don't learn thru formal learning. in reply to sj62499 #
- @sj62499 How to slowly show everyone how they too can do this? Teaching how to learn, not specific idea or knowledge. #
- @janbrooks1 look for template if possible will make life much easier! in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @sj62499 Ty. I'm thinking out loud tonight, procrastinating making progress on a final project for summer class 🙂 in reply to sj62499 #
- Sitting outside reading abt webquests for final project design, while simultaneously thinking about learning to learn. #welcometomybrain #
- "Congress is doing exactly what it was elected to do" unfortunately, this is true, not that it helps current situation! http://bit.ly/o11YvY #
- @pollyalida have a great time! in reply to pollyalida #
- Discussion of party/primary system causing this mess: How to Turn Republicans & Democrats Into Americans http://j.mp/kiZlUi ht @mwphillips75 #
- @mwphillips75 thx for sharing. Is it too much to hope for brutally honest discussion of future of our political sys when current mess ends? in reply to mwphillips75 #
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