- @annehaines oh the end of july/beginning of august in college towns! so glad i live away from student ghetto/away from campus next 3 weeks! in reply to annehaines #
- @zackarylee dream is 2b a trainer, teacher, thinker, writer, community leader, & a godly woman above all. (right now its to beat insomnia) in reply to zackarylee #
- @jlborgerding good luck. I have three projects left bw two classes–by Sunday night! in reply to jlborgerding #
- @lawrencelibrary atlas of new librarianship, enchantment, academically adrift, reflective teaching, effective learning, & out of our minds in reply to lawrencelibrary #
- @cmairn LOL! I thought google tweaked their search results. that can't be right! in reply to cmairn #
- 1 project down, 2 to go for the last bit of this semester! http://t.co/Y6FfeGm 🙂 #
- @lawrencelibrary (not that I've accomplished any of them yet) waiting for summer school to finish & then will tackle in August! in reply to lawrencelibrary #
- @gcaserotti saw you favorite that project tweet link. 🙂 All web design class: http://t.co/M9x6aNx & intro class: http://t.co/0Xlgmv1 #
- Sketchy Explanation: Starting a PLN http://t.co/AmSbjDR interesting video I watched for a class. #edtech #
- hmm there's apparently high wind gusts for a nearby storm. kind freaked the cats and i out momentarily. #
- elearning and training resources from LeftBrain Media http://t.co/b5oVMjt #
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