- crazy happenings west of here. I70 still shut down west of topeka thru late evening. News reports its related to Junction City bomb threat! #
- @evhemphill captain america is that good? hmmm. i'm debating about going to see it…. in reply to evhemphill #
- @annehaines hotel was where the original threat was reported. that's where ft riley is at & where timothy mcveigh was before OKC. in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines guy's truck was stopped 10 miles west of topeka. apparently has all kinds of anti-govt messages on it. bomb squads responding in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines no kidding. i cringe to learn more about this whole mess. just hoping that everything turns out ok. idiot is in custody at least in reply to annehaines #
- must start on homework…but so tired… 1 more week left of the semester. #
- @hybridlib yep. see http://t.co/lPLgofS in reply to hybridlib #
- @evhemphill 🙂 ok if you're saying story + history before comic/superhero, I know it's a good one. Will definitely try to see it then! thx! in reply to evhemphill #
- @evhemphill same here to grandpa thing 🙁 how is your grandma hemphill btw? i have fond memories of Grandma & her talking at conferences 🙂 in reply to evhemphill #
- @evhemphill i'll let you know! I don't like many current films anymore bc they're light on good story & history. this is right up my alley! in reply to evhemphill #
- @evhemphill lol so anything was better than that! Note to self to skip T3 then! HP7.2 is worth seeing btw. I need to go see it 2nd time… in reply to evhemphill #
- Hey #Washington did you know that to pass the Constitution in 1787, the founders had to #COMPROMISE Take that lesson from history, plz! #
- @evhemphill I probably will. loved iron man & iron man 2. Looking forward to it now. Will be my reward for completed 1st semester of school! in reply to evhemphill #
- grrr…homework you win. http://t.co/NcoP7Ro is being reactivated. #
- #transliteracy folk, you'll find some nuggets in this tech planning article written almost 20 years ago! http://t.co/lsxD7de look for video #
- @hybridlib I was asking/saying the same thing. in reply to hybridlib #
- @hybridlib here's more info from topeka paper incl photo of truck. http://t.co/zh1AkZT why always junction city indeed. in reply to hybridlib #
- @janbrooks1 cjonline: http://t.co/zh1AkZT 2nd pic on the story; can't read truck words bc too pixelated. i70 still shutdown right now in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @janbrooks1 kctv has more, including chopper video of a bomb squad robot approaching vehicle: http://t.co/lPLgofS in reply to janbrooks1 #
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