- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-06-22 http://ff.im/-GkN6E #
- office window open, its 70 degrees outside, and the birds are singing. beautiful day 🙂 #
- @ClaudiaBossBil you too claudia; how's the flooding up there? 🙁 in reply to ClaudiaBossBil #
- @ClaudiaBossBil 🙁 i wondered how things were going up there; saw it at leavenworth saturday night; could tell it was getting high in reply to ClaudiaBossBil #
- no, i'd hoped to go to one of those, but decided not to — would have had to pay own way. just as well, grad classes picking up this week #
- I had lots of Vitamin D for lunch (sunlight). What did you have? It is beyond gorgeous today here! #
- Harvard Education Letter http://www.hepg.org/hel/article/502 #
- customer service fail today. sigh. #
- @alemon this was over the phone; actually want to figure out how to quietly complain. have lots of respect for org in q(why not naming) in reply to alemon #
- @alemon think this was a one time only bad experience but still in reply to alemon #
- @alemon oh i complain loudly & publicly most of the time, but this organization is different… in reply to alemon #
- 2 pcs on: Library Innovation: NextSpace story on Innovation Gaps http://t.co/7xHwexU & OCLC Innovation symposium archive http://t.co/qiTBH4m #
- @zackarylee your time there is up already? wow! can't wait to hear more stories when you can post/write more! in reply to zackarylee #
- @kylepace @web20classroom @activelearning reading natl Ed tech plan for class. 1) have you read it? 2) are the ideas implementable? #
- @kylepace @web20classroom @activelearning asking bc I see suggestions already happening organically but r they implementable on large scale? #
- @kylepace @web20classroom @activelearning interesting observation of plan is it screams for school lib 2b leading the way but no mention #
- As June begins to draw to a close I'm floored at what has happened since the year's beginning. And what's to come. Dreams/passions realized! #
- Planning to be involved in the #atnewlib discussion soon, if my grad classes' reading would stop getting in the way 🙂 #
- @AtNewLib no mission of libs is not widely understood at all. We can't quickly explain our impact/benefit/need in our communities. #atnewlib in reply to AtNewLib #
- who all is #ala11behind I am! #
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