- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-06-14 http://ff.im/-FHWC1 #
- Why You Can't Win That Argument on the Internet – Lifehacker: http://t.co/ja4YoAS via @addthis #
- link in previous tweet also has a lot to say about real-life disagreements and negative comments. #
- YouTube – Information R/evolution: http://t.co/yFK164m from @mwesch, almost 4 years ago(!!); Even relevant today for librarians. #
- congrats to @buffyjhamilton School Library Blog Winner in the Salem Library Blog Awards!! http://t.co/7KGDaBM #
- Tackling homework for "Internet for educators". It's basic web design, but I've learned you can always learn something new from the basics. #
- @mstephens7 are you using migration assistant? As long as you use that it shld work. See http://bit.ly/kAq5Oe for more in reply to mstephens7 #
- Didn't have to buy 2 books thx to a safari books online account. Just discovered in the iPad app I can zoom in on the pics! 🙂 love it #
- @kylepace are the transcripts from the edchats kept anywhere? Interested in tonight's. in reply to kylepace #
- @acmorton thank goodness there's only 3 days left in the week! in reply to acmorton #
- Taking a homework break w a walk downtown. What a gorgeous evening!! #
- @kylepace Ty! Your tweet about byot & someone's early on abt cloud computing caught my eye but couldn't stick w it. Homework called 🙂 in reply to kylepace #
- @strnglibrarian @acmorton oh I got severely mixed up today. thought it was wednesday, then tuesday, then wednesday in a span of 10 mins in reply to strnglibrarian #
- when did you last stop to ask how someone's doing, taking time to wait for the answer & listen to it? oh the lives that could be changed…. #
- if everyone had a cheerleader behind them, the world we live in wld be VASTLY different #
- simple words of encouragement go a long way; who did you cheer on today? #
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