- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-04-26 http://ff.im/-BYZER #
- so the phelps are stooping to a new low; they app. plan to protest at the funeral of this family tomorrow: http://t.co/ur1dSY5 no words. #
- @joshuamneff oh believe me i know all too well; have many childhood memories of topeka trips filled with their protesting events i'd be at. in reply to joshuamneff #
- @joshuamneff this one just gets close to home — bc it is home & Dad will be one of the funeral directors involved w the service. in reply to joshuamneff #
- @joshuamneff the best reaction is to ignore them. friend on fb said it best — show them your behind and shield the family. in reply to joshuamneff #
- @joshuamneff they are beyond reprehensible. i just hope enough people can come during the workday & block the view & sound of the phelps in reply to joshuamneff #
- @reverend_andy i'm not a morning person but seriously considering getting up early to watch it online (no recording capabilities!) in reply to reverend_andy #
- @strnglibrarian fred phelps' group is protesting the funeral of a 4-member family that was killed in plane crash near topeka on friday. in reply to strnglibrarian #
- @strnglibrarian why are they protesting? it's fred phelps and his church. enough said. in reply to strnglibrarian #
- @strnglibrarian holton is 30 mins from their church; i guess since situation's had media coverage they're showing up. i'm disgusted over it in reply to strnglibrarian #
- @strnglibrarian hope that helps; fred phelps and his church have been a local thorn for many years; people have learned to ignore them in reply to strnglibrarian #
- @strnglibrarian westboro baptist church? the ones who run around protesting military funerals? never heard of them? oh you're lucky in reply to strnglibrarian #
- @pcsweeney @strnglibrarian i like the reframing of it as learning — reference is too specific & honestly a word that only librarians use in reply to pcsweeney #
- i will finish this tub before going home…. #cataloging #
- .@csimmons54 No idea-they defy all understanding. This isnt even a political statement like their other protests. Just tragic family funeral in reply to csimmons54 #
- Tub of books cataloged & I'm now at home for the night. #
- @darnlibrarian I see where your stomach is at. Yep tub of books not yummy cookie dough! π (the cookie dough would be much more fun) in reply to darnlibrarian #
- @ashuping someone was carrying dinner w them while they picked up a print job and left the fork behind? Could be simple reason…or not in reply to ashuping #
- Tonight's company (usually it's White Sox, not Storm) http://twitpic.com/4pxelt #
- .@buffyjhamilton is a dangerous friend when she gets me dreaming and "talking" π and dangerous friends are very good to have! #
- Libraries, IT, Reference, the FutureΓ’β¬Β¦and Learning? http://ff.im/-C2PrR #
- RT @buffyjhamilton: "The New Normal" by Will Richardson http://t.co/JDT3YpI #education #learning #
- @librarianedge you're welcome! in reply to librarianedge #
- @kylepace thanks π i sometimes hesitate to share when thoughts aren't fully realized yet, but part of journey is giving public peaks π in reply to kylepace #
- @technolibrary what's the context of his comments? in reply to technolibrary #
- a new favorite song, one I heard for the first time while on a trip to TX a few weeks ago "Walk on the Water" http://t.co/suPtJiY #
- @kylepace getting there π used to do this in college, no sweat; for whatever reason I lost confidence for a time but its quickly returning! in reply to kylepace #
- @jlborgerding i shouldnt laugh but I can't help it. that really IS what that statement sounds like!! in reply to jlborgerding #
- @jlborgerding w today's advances in construction/engineering, why don't pple already have storm shelters? forget this "safe place" business in reply to jlborgerding #
- @rdlankes π it's true. The Atlas can be hard theoretical reading but after lots of political theory thru out college classes, its nothing! in reply to rdlankes #
- @rdlankes not to mention your ideas are a bit more accessible & implementable than theirs were (although social contract is pure Hobbes) in reply to rdlankes #
- @juliabrewster some apps are iPhone only (altho they do work on iPad), some apps are iPad only, and some apps are universal (work on both) in reply to juliabrewster #
- @juliabrewster yes you can have different apps on each device; here's a bit more on the iphone apps on ipad situation: http://t.co/z07uvFb in reply to juliabrewster #
- @juliabrewster let me know if you have further questions; had mine for 13 months — and still <3 it! in reply to juliabrewster #
- @technolibrary WHAT? in shock. Yes, then, thank you Jon Stewart for defending them. That is just… no words. in reply to technolibrary #
- @annehaines ewww π not good! in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines agreed, yet torandoes are finicky creatures; they hop & skip & are devastating where they hit; but floods can rarely be avoided in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines used to think i'd take a flood over a tornado but w KS & MO rivers & creeks & lakes flooding thru the years, think otherwise in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines wet basement — bleck! good luck in the morning. in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines hahaha tooo true that; π i'll agree on that one! in reply to annehaines #
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