Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-04-19

  • Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-04-18 #
  • "Monday morning gut check for librarians" from @buffyjhamilton [about the atlas of new librarianship] #
  • @alemon πŸ™‚ may monday get better (and you can rant through DMs at me) in reply to alemon #
  • @heidiblackburn I could have a witty comment to this but won't say them. Students never learn! in reply to heidiblackburn #
  • @alemon did it get better? in reply to alemon #
  • meetings, road trip to libraries. and the day is suddenly basically over. #
  • @janbrooks1 πŸ™‚ lunch date? with who?? (yes I'm a nosy friend) speaking of which, we need to have a lunch or dinner date soon, as well! in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • i have a date w an iced chai, a book, a pen, & a notebook for notes tonight [yes I can be offline for a bit!]; heading downtown after work #
  • 5 Myths About the Information Age (shared by many others today) from @chronicle #
  • @LibrarianE13 its the only kind i have these days — but its definitely a good kind. How are you doing? close to due date, right? in reply to LibrarianE13 #
  • @LibrarianE13 been following along w your tweets about nesting, advice, etc πŸ™‚ in reply to LibrarianE13 #
  • @bohyunkim euphoria that comes naturally? um, no! in reply to bohyunkim #
  • @LibrarianE13 i'm clueless, except for the little I know about my niece & nephew; but happy to listen, share in your joy πŸ™‚ tweet away! in reply to LibrarianE13 #
  • @LibrarianE13 my day will come someday (i hope!) in reply to LibrarianE13 #
  • Overhearing someone mention out of print books going into a lib booksale; she was horrified to be told "the library is not an archive". #
  • Interesting comment in light of today's weeding training at Richmond library… #
  • & while reading Atlas section that discusses "stop thinking in terms of collections or artifacts…think only of knowledge in yr community." #
  • LOL! "Maybe we should make all our textbooks scratch & sniff (what do you think the smell of worldview is?)" p49, atlas of new librarianship #
  • @queequegs have fun there! in reply to queequegs #
  • I love dreaming abt all the amazing opportunities that libraries haven't even thought of yet that will only make our communities better. #
  • Got through page 63, end of second thread. So far, to sum it up, libraries are defined by knowledge business, conver… #
  • Previous tweet is a simplistic view of the book & doesnt give enough credit to the threads & ideas so far. Looking forward to more! #
  • @janbrooks1 yay! Such a wonderful piece of news to always hear about! in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • @comma_police uh oh! So no toilet paper at home or other nefarious presents? (and good to see you & Rachel tonight!) in reply to comma_police #
  • Read for fun or starting posting notes from tedxokc? I think the reading for fun is going to win out tonight. #
  • @janbrooks1 maybe we cld meet halfway next week/or that weekend at legends? Gas prices make me go grrr…why do you live so "far" away? lol! in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • @janbrooks1 πŸ™‚ we'll connect one of these days πŸ™‚ hope your week is blessed, esp through the events of the week/weekend. in reply to janbrooks1 #
  • @comma_police πŸ™‚ in reply to comma_police #

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