- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-04-17 http://ff.im/-BkZFM #
- @wawoodworth ok, what year is it again? I could understand this 2 weeks out, but more than 60 days out?? Seriously? in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth btw do you have a copy of the atlas of new librarianship or plan on reading it? Highly rec it, w your forwarding thinking in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth failure still. in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth you must. 🙂 Itll take a while to work thru it, it's 400p but highly worth your time (I'm now just on p42 & have to stop again) in reply to wawoodworth #
- Read a few more pages of the atlas. Lots to digest, think about & reconsider. Language theory: 1 unexpected lesson. Word choice is powerful #
- @janbrooks1 🙂 I've already made a point to say I want a discussion session about it at the unconference in July. in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @janholmquist good things come to those who wait 🙂 sorry it's a bit behind in Europe. 🙂 in reply to janholmquist #
- @pollyalida @janholmquist maybe? I pre-ordered the NEKLS copy in early January from amazon, so we were on the waiting list for a long time. in reply to pollyalida #
- Good weekend w family & church tonight but glad to come home to quiet apt & two cats. Off to read a book. (insert typical librarian joke) 🙂 #
- I am reading The Atlas of New Librarianship http://bit.ly/gShzVl @GetGlue #TheAtlasOfNewLibrarianship #
- Brought work iPad home for weekend w the sole purpose of adding several paid apps to it. Mission accomplished! Excited abt new content! #
- Best app (I think) will be the civil war today app: http://bit.ly/fmhbcu New historical content will be released every day for next 4 yrs #
- @erindowney right. We had bunch of freebie apps on it (all good 1s) but just got go-ahead to add several paid 1s. Think I did a good job 🙂 in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney civil war app is 7.99 but incredible teaching tool/general interest. Newspapers from each day. Photos quotes stories. Wow. in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney which one? There are several and I have stamp of approval from 4yo & 2yo on them 🙂 in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney their favs though are Peter rabbit, toy story, shrek, & rapunzel 🙂 I try really hard to balance w them: stories & ed games only in reply to erindowney #
- @annehaines @ranti I like my iPad right now. Impossible for my two to get bw me & it. Unlike the laptop (have had both on top of me b4) in reply to annehaines #
- @ranti @annehaines now there's an idea and good use for them! in reply to ranti #
- @erindowney holy cow. There are diary entries in civil war app as well (I'm a civil war history buff). primary sources+iPad=Wow wow wow. in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney this app is absolutely incredible. I may have to buy it for mine! possibilities for the platform are limitless for this stuff in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney history comes alive. Literally before your eyes. in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney "a storm rages above, and below in the minds of men; but the commotion of the elements above attracts less attention than… #
- @erindowney the tempest of excitement agitating the human breast…" Richmond, va, April 12, 1861, John beauchamp jones journal in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney not sure…it's from the history channel in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney Erin Erin Erin 🙂 in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney don't see it in the android store. in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney don't have cable so no idea what runs on it these days; my dad apparently watches only the history channel or farm auctions in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney ok. Battery basically dead and I need to crash 🙂 want the app list tomorrow of everything we added to the NEKLS iPad? in reply to erindowney #
- @hybridlib tell them it's electronic content for budget purposes. Haha. 🙂 night! in reply to hybridlib #
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