- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-03-21 http://ff.im/-zwu5h #
- Promoting with Web 2.0 session http://ff.im/-zwDul #
- liveblogging at #cil11 1st session, Promoting with Web 2.0 (marketing track): http://t.co/ysqIkgP #
- @Gixibyte you're on my list again; sorry about that. can you DM me your email? Will be easier to respond thru email! in reply to Gixibyte #
- @wawoodworth sigh. filtering discussion is always mentioned, rarely seriously discussed & touched. #cil11 in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth welcome to the life of schools. #cil11 in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth i know ๐ #cil11 in reply to wawoodworth #
- AASL president releases statement on school library position cuts http://t.co/Ii7KSss #
- @wawoodworth appreciate yr tweets from that session btw; was going 2 go 2 it, but thought my libs wld appreciate marketing tips more #cil10 in reply to wawoodworth #
- @l1br4r14n if you find someone with them, i want one too! in reply to l1br4r14n #
- my biggest frustrations w lib websites; hit or miss on that info! RT รขโฌล@mdlibrarianus: #cil11 put your lib phone and address on front pageรขโฌย #
- @mdlibrarianus dang it; i should be in this session; which one is it again? I'll have to read through yr tweets; catch yr notes! #cil11 in reply to mdlibrarianus #
- out for lunch w the @tisfortraining crowd. #cil11 #
- Wishing @lorireed @librarianbyday @ashuping @jlborgerding @JanieH @buffyjhamilton were at @tisfortraining lunch! Yr here in spirit! #cil11 #
- @buffyjhamilton you're welcome!! You can do it! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- Bad wifi connection in track b. Will post notes from Erica and Johns session later. #cil11 #
- @jlborgerding I understand. ACRL takes greater precedence. ๐ in reply to jlborgerding #
- @LibrarianRy that got me on. Ty! in reply to LibrarianRy #
- @wawoodworth figures ๐ thx. in reply to wawoodworth #
- RT @jlborgerding: RT @nengard: don't have your own kids if you don't have to – they're terribly inconvenient #cil11 ๐ @queequegs #
- if you see signs everywhere when you walk into the library, there's a problem #cil11 #
- signs are a bandaid @jblyberg #cil11 #
- @wizzyrea @nengard do i need to separate you two? ๐ in reply to wizzyrea #
- RT @mdlibrarianus: #cil11 it should be about empowerment on the front end end the users #
- RT @l1br4r14n: Blyberg: provide space for discovery and self-expression, down time for reflection #cil11 #
- Have fun! #
- In Pursuit of Library Elegance http://ff.im/-zwRmr #
- @bohyunkim i know! it's not that big of a place! I'll be around the computer bars in the lobby area around 6…may go to reception in reply to bohyunkim #
- RT @jenother: We are the largest classroom in the school #cil11 #
- Performance Measures: Illustrating Value to Your Community http://ff.im/-zwRBP #
- @bohyunkim getting KS group at #cil11 together for dinner tonight; otherwise i would; where are you right now? in reply to bohyunkim #
- RT @spolanka: We aren't at the table with publishers b/c we haven't entered the restaurant. #cil11 #
- RT @mattash: It's official, @amazon takes home the trophy for "dumbest business move of the day" for shutting down @lendleapp. #
- RT @fcervone: The real question we need to ask is what difference are we making NOT what are we doing #cil11 #
- @bohyunkim i'll hang out by the proquest booth right inside the door and watch for you. blue sweater over print dress in reply to bohyunkim #
- RT @sljournal: RT @toc Open question: Are ereaders too complex? – O'Reilly Radar http://oreil.ly/dIlr2K #
- stories eat stats for breakfast –Rebecca Jones #cil11 #
- notes from 3 #cil11 sessions (still liveblogging one): #1 http://bit.ly/fJ0hsK #3 http://bit.ly/ejoXjE #5 http://bit.ly/fvebED #
- "strories eat stats for breakfast" quote from #cil11 rings true for Kaned situation: http://bit.ly/fdv17P stories: http://bit.ly/f9atKm #
- .@Melissa_Brunner @RalphHipp @WIBW have you heard abt the Kan-ed abolishment bill (KS HB2390) before the legislature? http://bit.ly/fdv17P #
- .@Melissa_Brunner @RalphHipp @WIBW stories of how Kan-ed impacts Kansans all across the state are found here: http://bit.ly/f9atKm #
- @lorireed @AspenWalker Savelibraries.org given a shoutout at #cil11 by Rebecca Jones ๐ #
- Cost-Benefit Analysis MUCH better than Return on Investment analysis. (public policy class coming back to bite me!) #cil11 #
- What is the lbirary worth to citizens of Philadelphia: literacy; workforce development; business development; property tax revenue #cil11 #
- @hybridlib see their twitter feed @lendleapp & apparently the website isn't working (but haven't had chance to look into it yet) in reply to hybridlib #
- @JanieH I've been too busy as well to call in ๐ Maurice posted a couple of pics to the @tisfortraining account. Recording tomorrow night in reply to JanieH #
- @libraryvoice they've got comments up on their twitter account @lendleapp in reply to libraryvoice #
- @giltay I'll have to look into that. Ever tried Evernote app? Does a great job for offline note taking. in reply to giltay #
- I just unlocked the "Newbie" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/fejPsA #
- Hanging out w several Kansas librarians. Beautiful night in DC! (@ Lauriol Plaza w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/fOOckW #
- Signed up for foursquare. We'll see how this goes. #cil11 #
- Yummy dinner at Lauriol Plaza. Out w a bunch of KS librarians at #cil11 http://t.co/XHx8yxp #
- @bohyunkim the mall/Capitol complex. Part of the group I'm w is wanting to go too. We're still at the restaurant but will be back soon… in reply to bohyunkim #
- @bohyunkim yes we will be leaving from the hotel. Still trying to finish up at restaurant. I'll text you when we walk back. in reply to bohyunkim #
- @bohyunkim metro. There's at least six of us going including you. Where are you at the Hilton? in reply to bohyunkim #
- @bohyunkim ok. ๐ cya in the morning in reply to bohyunkim #
- @DotMeg praying for him and the doctors hands and you all right now. in reply to DotMeg #
- @jchickey I agree. It is stupid. in reply to jchickey #
- I'm at Supreme Court of the United States (One First Street NE, East Capitol Street NE, Washington) http://4sq.com/eGgwPD #
- I'm at U.S. Capitol (US Capitol Complex, Washington) w/ 2 others http://4sq.com/ePEpPb #
- I'm at Library of Congress – Thomas Jefferson Building http://4sq.com/dXqioP #
- I just unlocked the "Crunked" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/hC2FkC #
- @Gixibyte got it. Will respond soon. At #cil11 for two more days. Will do my best to respond before I head back to work. in reply to Gixibyte #
- I'm at Union Station (50 Massachusetts Ave NE, at 1st St NE, Washington) w/ 10 others http://4sq.com/hzGFA1 #
- @jlborgerding no ๐ it stayed in Kansas in reply to jlborgerding #
- I'm at The White House (1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington) http://4sq.com/gGCxeY #
- I'm at Vietnam Veterans Memorial (National Mall, Washington) http://4sq.com/i3jNNY #
- @druthb no metro assisted. Union station to faragut east. Then walked ๐ in reply to druthb #
- @druthb Its worth it tho. BEAUTIFUL at night. Seen it at dusk before. But at night it's a sight to behold (plus fewer people) in reply to druthb #
- @druthb we learned it was long:) but worth it! Taxicab back to Hilton now. And yes see you tomorrow night! in reply to druthb #
- @gcaserotti hope to meet you while at #cil11 If anything you present right after me on Wednesday. in reply to gcaserotti #
- Taxi back to Hotel. DC really is beautiful late at night. #
- @ranginui was going to but by time we got to Lincoln, we sat for 20 mins out of sheer exhaustion. I've seen it before. Just not at night. in reply to ranginui #
- @pollyalida well I'd watch in room except it's wired and you pay thru the nose for it! I may make it up in time. Taxi got us back quick! in reply to pollyalida #
- @pollyalida nice thing abt current haircut is its a pain 2 style on wash days but after that I can get up 1 or 2 mornings & barely touch it! in reply to pollyalida #
- @ranginui oh it's my favorite too. But exhaustion set in ๐ I have no clue how much I've walked these past two days. Its been a TON! in reply to ranginui #
- @pollyalida oh there's not even wifi in our room. Only Ethernet. in reply to pollyalida #
- @pollyalida yes. It takes thick wavy hair, a hairdryer, a flat iron & a great stylist ๐ i always say easy care but stylish & she comes thru in reply to pollyalida #
- Bed. I've missed you! #
- @shlew @ranginui we stopped at the Vietnam which is moving, Korean is more vivid. I wrote a poem in college after seeing it in reply to shlew #
- @shlew @ranginui the statues look like they could become real at any second. in reply to shlew #
- @shlew @ranginui I'll have to dig it up but will post it if I find it! in reply to shlew #
- @pollyalida oh it is much more trouble than it's worth. ๐ but thx. Preso isnt till Wednesday, thankfully. in reply to pollyalida #
- @pollyalida it's ready to go which means I get to just enjoy the conference until its time for it! in reply to pollyalida #
- RT @laurasolomon: More people use public libraries in the U.S. than go to sports stadiums #cil11 #
- @kylepace Buy goodreader. Do it now. Goodreader is worth every penny & more. Download diff file types (used it to load mp3s) read PDFs, etc in reply to kylepace #
- @nengard instapaper. Oh how I love this site. in reply to nengard #
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