- @twitrhag glad the business cards are done; uploading slides right now to slideshare to see how they look! 🙂 in reply to twitrhag #
- I'm working late tonite and Storm is being pretty lovey-dovey; a bit weird for her to be this attention-seeking this late! #
- Virtual learning: A world of opportunity http://ff.im/-ztu6D #
- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-03-17 http://ff.im/-ztHKg #
- KLA Conference Virtual Track promotional video: http://t.co/KZMoc8x More info: http://t.co/3ZZ0nTh everyone is welcome to register! #
- @Alliebrwneyez then again, my work is 90 percent+ on the web: catalog, ILL, email, documents, reading, website editing: all are online. in reply to Alliebrwneyez #
- @sfreeman i was going 2 do 2, but just going with my gut instinct one (w one team exception, haha). KU-KSU-Texas-UNC in FF; KU-UNC: KU. in reply to sfreeman #
- @sfreeman not big 12 biased or anything — just how it happened. in reply to sfreeman #
- @sfreeman true; i made split second decisions on each round (w exception of KU) 🙂 i shld make a 2nd one more thought out; oh well in reply to sfreeman #
- @Alliebrwneyez chrome usage has spoiled me; other browsers used to crash with this behavior; not chrome! in reply to Alliebrwneyez #
- @Alliebrwneyez then again i've been working this way since I found Firefox in college 8 years ago. in reply to Alliebrwneyez #
- @sfreeman but…i have a job i'm supposed to be doing! 🙂 nah; i'll pass this year in reply to sfreeman #
- @sfreeman i'm sure i'll get into it more, but really all i care about is opportunity to lose my voice again right before a conference preso in reply to sfreeman #
- @sfreeman ntl championship game is 36 hrs b4 our state conference & i present on wed; 3 yrs ago, was hoarse for a panel. want 2b so again in reply to sfreeman #
- @sfreeman i sure hope so; i love them every year of course, but this team has been through so much–dont remember a closer team. in reply to sfreeman #
- iphone + NCAA March Madness free app = game watching while working 🙂 I <3 March madness! #
- @tminchew @georgiawebgurl I should confess the hanger organizing happens above my washer when the hangers are empty 🙂 in reply to tminchew #
- @rmbyrne is it finally out?? in reply to rmbyrne #
- @rmbyrne ah ok i thought i'd missed the release date there for a minute! (altho it will take a lot to move me from chrome) in reply to rmbyrne #
- there went everyone's brackets for 1st time (incl mine); see, it doesn't only happen to KU! (#4 Louisville just lost to #13 Morehead State) #
- Agreed. RT @KansasSports: That's one upset I don't mind busting my bracket… #
- @Hello_Unicorn i didn't pick morehead state to win; but i did pick princeton to upset Kentucky (KU fans always pick against Calipari :)) in reply to Hello_Unicorn #
- @Hello_Unicorn and amen to your tweet! I'm hoping the big xii proves to the nation how underrated we are! in reply to Hello_Unicorn #
- @Hello_Unicorn btw are you in the DC area perchance? in reply to Hello_Unicorn #
- @Hello_Unicorn I'll be in town sunday-Wednesday for computers in libraries. For some reason I thought you were still in the area. in reply to Hello_Unicorn #
- @buffyjhamilton love hearing this! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
- @kylepace congrats on getting all that submitted; excited you're taking that step…where are you applying to? #
- @kylepace i'm to hear back next week on a master's degree in ed tech program acceptance at Boise State Univ. in reply to kylepace #
- @kylepace glad you found someplace local. i've always heard good things about baker's grad level programs in reply to kylepace #
- completely forgot about the America the Beautiful album by the Boston Pops i had; thoroughly enjoying it!! #
- @jkbeitz oh the many ways to hate blackboard!! in reply to jkbeitz #
- @web20classroom prayers out to you & your family after this loss. in reply to web20classroom #
- @LJWJKealing are you aware of KS HB2930? http://t.co/jJzCEQi this wld be devastating to every KS community w libraries, schools, & hospitals #
- @LJWJKealing kaned is a major equalizer for rural libraries for internet connectivity (schools, hospitals, too) #
- @LJWJKealing kaned also provides interface & money for several impt digital services to schools, libraries, and hospitals #
- @LJWJKealing please look into. Thx. Can get you to best sources if needed. in reply to LJWJKealing #
- @LJWJKealing k. Thx for responding and listening. I wouldn't normally ask but I haven't seen the bill covered yet and it needs to be. in reply to LJWJKealing #
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