- @lendleapp it wasn't horrible, really; no timeout errors or anything, but still thought you all should know. in reply to lendleapp #
- @lendleapp btw, I love the interface even more than the concept behind the site. It's simplistic, and easy to use. Bravo on yr work! in reply to lendleapp #
- insomnia…go away…i want to sleep #
- @annehaines one year ago we "met" thru hhlib! and I'll be attending again this round (hopefully–will have to multi-task, tho, sigh) in reply to annehaines #
- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-02-23 http://ff.im/-yEn0n #
- @annehaines good luck w your coordination. Ours will be interesting. Mixed group from sch libs, small publics, & a couple academic in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines perk of being a regional Lib system–our job to reach out to all types :). Time to get ready to go in. Cya online! in reply to annehaines #
- waiting for our group to show up at nekls for #hhlib looking forward to the next two days of learning, f2f discussion and online discussion! #
- Wintry Mix session first up at #hhlib (student presos & librarian colleagues) looks quite interesting #
- @joshuamneff wish you all were here at NEKLS to join in the fun, but we're all together in spirit π #hhlib in reply to joshuamneff #
- Evernote — LOVE this app; need to keep using it more and more. notetaking app in the cloud/desktop/apps– text, photos, voice #hhlib #
- @s_francoeur we were….are you accessing the link from the email? to first register then login? #hhlib in reply to s_francoeur #
- dropbox, skype mentioned… #hhlib #
- @BAGebb i currently use it mainly for to do lists (the desktop client has an option for checkbox) but that's a GREAT idea! #hhlib in reply to BAGebb #
- @janbrooks1 will do my best; but crowdsourcing will help too π can't type everything π #hhlib in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @joshuamneff i've started using it for to-do lists — has really helped; can't lose notes in it; I LOSE sticky notes all the time #hhlib in reply to joshuamneff #
- http://bit.ly/eaO51n is the Fairfield University student group's wiki #hhlib #
- @janbrooks1 i wish i could have kept up with everything he did!! he deserves a pulitzer and a new award for what he's been doing in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @cmairn hi chad! #hhlib in reply to cmairn #
- i've wondered about using evernote to track tech problems in libraries (like lowkey ticketing system) #hhlib anyone else done that? #
- @cmairn great and you? I love #hhlib bc so many libs are "together" even tho separated by geography! in reply to cmairn #
- @BAGebb if you happen to find it in the mobile apps let me know #hhlib in reply to BAGebb #
- @joshuamneff evernote has a desktop app as well; that's where i build my to do lists to track…. #hhlib in reply to joshuamneff #
- @cmairn yay! π they grow up WAY too fast! in reply to cmairn #
- during emergencies, to keep mobile devices charged, uninteruptable power supply w battery backup; universal chargers #hhlib #
- make sure you have handheld device that has removable batteries — better than unremovable #hhlib #
- find ways to conserve battery power of your mobile devices #hhlib #
- @wizzyrea π in reply to wizzyrea #
- @wizzyrea v true and you're right…. in reply to wizzyrea #
- @mreidsma @bagedd gotcha; thx — will mostly continue 2 use desktop app then; first 2 do "application" i've found that's worked 4 me #hhlib in reply to mreidsma #
- @joshuamneff it's what finally made digital to do lists work for me, none other had before in reply to joshuamneff #
- wish last presenter had mentioned emergency sites developed during disasters like in NZ: http://bit.ly/fddUNh & http://bit.ly/idGVVd #hhlib #
- twitter being discussed now: have used lots of the ones mentioned: hootsuite, tweetdeck, twitter, echofon, tweetlings #hhlib #
- i use mac twitter app on desktop & official twitter apps on iphone/ipad; use tweetdeck when I want to follow hashtags like #hhlib #
- other things mentioned: add twitter feed to yr website; create hashtag for your library; get followers: start following others! #hhlib #
- @jdelagardelle hi! π we've got a group watching here #HHLIB in reply to jdelagardelle #
- part of problem of social networks buyin: pple want to separate prof life & personal — if you're a lib you really can't (presenter) #hhlib #
- @annehaines lib following #hhlib on twitter from home wants to know from yr session: where are they getting stats? #
- uses for twitter: news, personal interaction #hhlib snow storms, closings, road closings, stranded, etc. #hhlib #
- @annehaines k passing it on through chat — ty! in reply to annehaines #
- invite people to play along; Q&A on twitter; repost/retweet; ideas for games; #andypoll #hhlib #
- one of my tweets mentioned certain iOS device…off to block spammers! #
- RT @bckhough: http://artwiculate.com/ Word of the day game for Twitter #hhlib #
- RT @bckhough: some separate personal and professional selves on social networks – I just merge the two worldΓ’β¬Β¦ (cont) http://deck.ly/~zo2EX #
- other games on twitter: the six word novel; haikus #hhlib #
- shorter presentations is a neat way to do the sessions…more bang for buck! I agreee! π #hhlib #
- @jdelagardelle tell them they'll have access to archives later? to tempt them to stay focused on one session #HHLIB in reply to jdelagardelle #
- first session was great! doing intros at our group now…stopping tweeting for a bit… #hhlib #
- looking forward to this keynote at #hhlib Lee Rainie is an awesome speaker! #
- "the state of mobile connectivity" @lrainie #hhlib #
- LOLcats ftw to start off π #hhlib pew pew pew #
- as @bckhough just told our group — the best session of the conference is going on now #hhlib #
- RT @bckhough: I <3 the Pew Internet Project (makes data interesting) #hhlib #
- internet and broadband revolution: change in internet use by age & home broadband adoption 2000-2010 surveys from PEW #hhlib #
- broadband adoption happened as people took the internet deeply into their lives: communications tool, research tool, enjoy media #hhlib #
- @joshuamneff @hedgielib i quietly clapped too glad i wasn't the only one (only one here at nekls) #hhlib in reply to joshuamneff #
- digital divide still major problem #hhlib #
- consequences for info ecosystem: volume, velocity, vibrance, and valence/relevance #hhlib #
- RT @glenfarrelly: From Pew at #hhlib rise of broadband Net (vs dial-up) that drove people to integrate NeΓ’β¬Β¦ (cont) http://deck.ly/~9c4yb #
- (apologies to my followers for the #hhlib tweets — you can unfollow me for the two days of the conference if you want to) #
- RT @hedgielib: Web allows us to hyperspecialize news we intake. #hhlib #
- explosion of creators and niches in online environment #hhlib #
- networked creators among internet users: 12% use twitter; 50% share photos; 32% contributing rankings and ratings; 15% remix content #hhlib #
- RT @jocolibrary: Some JoCoLibrary staff attending Handheld Librarian virtual conference today. Looking for ways we can go mobile #hhlib #
- 4% use location-sharing services (don't use this — sorry, don't want my immediate location revealed more directly than it is) #hhlib #
- pew study "teens and mobile phone" in april 2010 http://bit.ly/gv5e3R #hhlib (mentioned in chat) #
- cloud computing coming into play in cell phone usage; #hhlib #
- RT @scottchilders: Because of cell phone use, more people using cloud functions of different types. #hhlib (EvΓ’β¬Β¦ (cont) http://deck.ly/~cCEKi #
- 2/3 of adults and 3/4 of teens use the cloud; web vs apps: 35% have apps; 24% use apps #hhlib #
- @elibtronic this: http://bit.ly/h1I2Za tech adoption cycle; it takes awhile for non-early adopters to jump on #hhlib in reply to elibtronic #
- pictures, texters, browsing web, IMers, email, record videos, play games, play, video calls; reshaping communication patterns #hhlib #
- what tool do i use to communicate based on the enduser; what works best for them — have to consider this now #hhlib #
- 55% of adults own laptops (from 30% in 20060: 7% of adults own ebook readers (kindle); 6% of adults own tablets (iPad) #hhlib #
- projections of ereader/tablet device ownership 3x-4x as much as the previous tweet's stats #hhlib #
- @elibtronic i presented on it two years ago at a conference — pple still catching on to it; they do it without realizing it, i think #hhlib in reply to elibtronic #
- consequences for info ecosystem: anywhere, any device, any time; radically changed place, presence #hhlib (i can't escape email :)) #
- @aarontay if you get any, another colleague is interested in specific stats — @dianajw thx! #hhlib in reply to aarontay #
- sept05-may2010: social networking gone from 0 to huge numbers (largest gain is older demographics) missed stats on slide… #hhlib #
- consequences for info ecosystem: social dashboard; pervasive awareness #
- consequences for info ecosystem: social dashboard; pervasive awareness #hhlib (forgot hashtag) #
- (forgot hashtag) consequences for info ecosystem: social dashboard; pervasive awareness #hhlib #
- RT @annehaines: "Pervasive awareness" – great term. Wonder if it's a more shallow awareness than what we useΓ’β¬Β¦ (cont) http://deck.ly/~prGcn #
- so what for librarians: our patrons exist in a networked media ecology: attention zones #hhlib #
- attention zones: continuous partial attention); deep dives; info-snacking #hhlib #
- @librarythinking @dianajw is the one interested in the stats — ask her for the info in reply to librarythinking #
- as sentries: word of mouth matters more; as info evaluators – they vouch for/discredit a business's credibility and authenticity #hhlib #
- as forums for action – everybody's a broadcaster/publisher #hhlib and some like @acarvin doing hugely impt work on the broadcasting of news #
- @annehaines let it go it's so invigorating and renewing π in reply to annehaines #
- @mayfieldc dropbox public? in reply to mayfieldc #
- @mayfieldc also can share access to folders on dropbox for private shares in reply to mayfieldc #
- @mayfieldc also can you send me yr email address in DM? need to pick yr brain on educators & prof info overload 4 preso i'm doing next week in reply to mayfieldc #
- what for libs (3): you can be a node in people's social networks as they seek info to help them solve problems and meet their needs #hhlib #
- @annehaines i know libs who do this very successfully just based on twitter searches #hhlib in reply to annehaines #
- what for libs (4): you can teach new literacie: screen literacy (graphics & symbols); navigation literacy #hhlib #
- new literacies: connections and context literacy; skepticism; value of contemplative time; how to create content #hhlib #
- RT @cyndidannerkuhn: 5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years http://goo.gl/fb/J9of7 #
- RT @BAGebb: RT @ralldurai: #hhlib libraries must be fully mobile/social media literate to make it past patron's media sentries #
- YES! make the tools work for them! RT @cmairn: For me, it is all about helping users make discoveries and connections. @lrainie #hhlib #
- @mreidsma @annehaines v true. we need to help pple to see that and realize it; they don't — yr absolutely right! #hhlib in reply to mreidsma #
- @eoverhauser it is awesome and well worth your time for sure if you have access the #hhlib archives in reply to eoverhauser #
- RT @KMH_nowinVA: Curating info means more than print #hhlib #
- so what for libs (5): can revision yr role in a world where much has changed #hhlib #
- access to info; value of info; curating info means more than collections; creating media — networked creators shld be yr allies #hhlib #
- missed all the chat resources since i'm tweeting; anyone going to collect and post them online ? #hhlib #
- RT @eclectic_techie: Re-vision your role in a world where much has changed. #hhlib #
- @mayfieldc np π in reply to mayfieldc #
- @BAGebb i think so….i thought i saw a link to it on the #hhlib website but can't find now… surely someone is; share if not… in reply to BAGebb #
- RT @lybrarian: Live blogging #hhlib http://bit.ly/dS2sPp or just follow @hbraum [or the #hhlib hashtag hehe] #
- info omnivore <– yep that's me π yep, love the new environment! #Hhlib #
- @annehaines me too π my wrists are hurting but it's worthwhile @lrainie is a great presenter on this stuff; he makes data fun! #hhlib in reply to annehaines #
- internet addiction… hmm… #hhlib #
- what's next? 1) growth of location-based services (privacy, space, business, apps implications)#hhlib #
- what's next? environment of online info is marrying up with realword info (augmented reality) #hhlib #
- internet of things (instead of people-based tech); many more things connected in length in years to come #hhlib #
- applause to @lrainie ty π #hhlib #
- PEW project: librarians are primary stakeholders of their work now; awesome! #hhlib #
- RT @annehaines: GREAT presentation from @lrainie – he gets what libraries do & that makes all the difference. #hhlib #
- lunch time π #
- no but will! RT @mreidsma: Anyone else look at recent article on actual vs.perceived Facebook use in libraries? http://bit.ly/eI0LAp #hhlib #
- RT @libraryfuture: Flattering quote from Lee Rainie during his keynote – Γ’β¬ΕA day spent with librarians is a better day for meΓ’β¬Β #hhlib #
- RT @Alliebrwneyez: Interview with Lee Rainie- http://bit.ly/dV6reS #hhlib #
- RT @librarianbyday: I Want to Know Your Thoughts on ALA. Love it? Hate it? Tell Me Why | Librarian by Day http://bit.ly/fNyMEH #
- listening to @libraryfuture 's talk on "next trends in mobile technology" #hhlib #
- @Alliebrwneyez what crash? twitter?? really? #hhlib in reply to Alliebrwneyez #
- goal: understand current landscape of mobile landscape & direct impact on libs #hhlib #
- @bohyunkim you can at least follow on twitter, right? #hhlib in reply to bohyunkim #
- slides are at http://bit.ly/hhlibtrends from @libraryfuture's preso on next trends in mobile technology #hhlib #
- asthma, you are dismissed from showing up today. ty. grrr… #
- outline: current mobile landscape; current guiding mobile tech trnds top mobile/social trends this yr; skills 2 match shifting trends #hhlib #
- smartphones outsell PCs: http://rww.to/gXE9Gz #hhlib #
- there were over 10 billion apps downloaded from apple's app store #hhlib #
- iPad is dominating the area of tablets atm; popularity wasn't anticipated #Hhlib #
- @Alliebrwneyez NO! we were at lunch and i went offline during the time; WOW! I hope they are still capturing them all somehow #hhlib in reply to Alliebrwneyez #
- RT @glenfarrelly: Mobile users' homescreen is the weathervane of mobile apps – great idea by Joe Murphy at #HHLIB #
- location as foundational tech for emerging trends #hhlib #
- RT @owatonnalibrary: @libraryfuture names iPad, SMS, mobile apps, & mobile web as some of the current foundational technologies. #hhlib #
- RT @jackiegerstein: Via @MindShiftKQED: How Technology Wires the Learning Brain | http://t.co/dxyZpOw #
- in the QR session now.. follow the #hhlib hashtag or @lybrarian's liveblogging for notes (http://bit.ly/dS2sPp) taking a break this session #
- @alexzealand not so far… location based stuff is just one of those tools/services I just don't get the point/benefit behind #hhlib in reply to alexzealand #
- RT @eclectic_techie: @annehaines: QR code in book, scan as you remove from book drop, gives shelving locatioΓ’β¬Β¦ (cont) http://deck.ly/~SFs8L #
- RT @acoulon: QR codes for Readers Advisory. Another good use. #hhlib #
- @mreidsma @alexzealand will watch the tweets for the response…group in other session in reply to mreidsma #
- @mreidsma thx for heads up in reply to mreidsma #
- are there stats on QR Code usage? Who is actually using QR Codes that people set up?? #hhlib #
- RT @jackiegerstein No matter how much education u have, u must continue to upgrade yrself (abt new tech) >on newscast abt career maintenance #
- @bethstill I like this idea; right now, I type stuff into the twitter box and then delete it to #rant in reply to bethstill #
- Not watching next session at #hhlib Having onsite discussion abt ebooks and ereaders #
- @gohomekiki virtual chocolate sent π in reply to gohomekiki #
- we took the last 40 minutes to brainstorm ways libraries could use qr codes… will link to the list when we have it posted… #hhlib #
- @annehaines it got crazy but was quite interesting but productive… in reply to annehaines #
- Brainstorming QR Code Usage in Libraries http://ff.im/-yGFH2 #
- @systemslib @annehaines here's the list: New Blog Post: Brainstorming QR Code Usage in Libraries http://j.mp/fMDfmn #
- iPad apps discussion..i can attest to puzzle usage on my iPad: my current favorite app: Jigsawed Jigsaw Puzzle: http://bit.ly/geFU9B #hhlib #
- iPad development course at SJSU: competencies: info retrieval systems; current info and comm tech; info structure #hhlib #
- new followers…welcome…. π glad to connect! #
- Handheld Librarian IV post by @lybrarian http://bit.ly/dS2sPp full day of notes from #hhlib #
- RT @bckhough: intrigued by qr codes and billboards http://bit.ly/g98KjQ #hhlib #
- @annehaines agreed…trying to listen still… #hhlib in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines but at same time if lib schools are watching — THIS is hat they should be teaching…. #hhlib in reply to annehaines #
- @annehaines this is also still interesting — cld libs offer basic classes on this, using his structure? maybe not all…but an idea #hhlib in reply to annehaines #
- @erindowney @lybrarian there's lots worth your time — sharon's notes are excellent; we miss the joco folk enjoying this w us π in reply to erindowney #
- watched video on .epub format: http://youtu.be/vvGrFZdSDww #hhlib #
- iPad Today on TWiT mentioned: http://twit.tv/ipt #hhlib #
- strongest use cats for iPads in the library: field surveys, gaming, RSS pubs, ePub viewers, ILS integrations, Music #hhlib #
- Alternative publishing, reference tools, lending, early readers #hhlib #
- library mashups book by @nengard plugged by current presenter. http://bit.ly/dQ8IQu #hhlib #
- @jeremykemp you're definitely right and your school is on the ball. But I'm not seeing other library schools doing this at all. Are they? in reply to jeremykemp #
- @jeremykemp what's the stark text again? in reply to jeremykemp #
- Walked downtown, ended up in salon di Marco & day spa & got a pedicure. Best decision. Kristin was awesome!! #sometimeshavetospoilself #
- academic life (as student) tempts me simply bc i'd be in a forced setting to be reading and learning; on own is hit & miss as i can #
- still V committed to libraries/working in them, but also V interested in adult education/continuing ed delivery in increasing online world #
- maybe that's why i'm taking this huge step… applying to begin work in this program + online teaching certificate: http://t.co/06RP7aR π #
- @archiValerie don't know if our group will attend your session yet; but I'm sure you'll do great!! π good luck! #hhlib in reply to archiValerie #
- @alemon nope. Def doesn't hurt. Boise states program looks awesome; quite excited. What are you investigating? in reply to alemon #
- it pays to read KUSports.com fan message boards. I'm proud owner of 2 KU senior night KU-T A&M tickets…Dad first in line for ticket #2 π #
- still giddy 15 minutes later after buying those tickets…. in shock tickets were still available for senior night #
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