- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-02-15 http://ff.im/-y4ci9 #
- @calimae oh no. I just saw this post. I'm so sorry for your loss. in reply to calimae #
- ereader and ebook training planning meeting. great group we've pulled together. excited about the training possibilities we'll come up with! #
- @LibrarianE13 we're developing an ereader/ebook workshop 2 teach 2 library staff in our region, while also teaching train the trainer skills in reply to LibrarianE13 #
- @LibrarianE13 we work with lots of small rural libraries. trying to figure out a way to push out ebook/ereader info to them… in reply to LibrarianE13 #
- anyone else having google issues this morning? gmail is being funky…. #
- @wizzyrea it's our network connection? i just assumed it was google and gmail!! hmmmm… i saw ljworld was down at one point in reply to wizzyrea #
- @TheLiB good luck; hope it goes well! in reply to TheLiB #
- @LibrarianE13 http://www.nekls.org/ereader-resources/ you might find this helpful…. in reply to LibrarianE13 #
- @mwphillips75 ick!! Feel better š sending e-cold meds you're way. If only they were real. in reply to mwphillips75 #
- RT @ALALibrary ADVOCACY URGENTLY NEEDED: House considering two amendments critical to the future of libraries http://t.co/eFfaGxJ #
- @librarianbyday looking forward to hearing more about the global summit! and thx for repping libs! in reply to librarianbyday #
- RT @janbrooks1 Strongly condemn: CBS reporter Lara Logan assaulted in Egypt: CBS News | Reuters http://t.co/eEF7dME via @reuters #
- @janbrooks1 seen the ALA critical legislative alerts? http://t.co/8g7Mqz5 #
- @janbrooks1 no use #savelibraries …i've seen it used a bit in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @janbrooks1 I'm going to be writing letters/posts tonight & calling tomorrow. have 1 connection in diff state in House; will be using it! in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @islandlibrarian thx for the retweet! in reply to islandlibrarian #
- @islandlibrarian i hope it pushes people to sit up and take notice and also advocate. in reply to islandlibrarian #
- @islandlibrarian also hope the letter works a little bit on the 2 Reps I sent it to (mine and friend of friends in another state) in reply to islandlibrarian #
- @jchickey you giving twitter a retry? in reply to jchickey #
- @janbrooks1 thx jan and thx for the retweet. trying to resurrect and exercise my writing chops again. in reply to janbrooks1 #
- Library Advocacy: Letter in support of IMLS and LSTA funding http://ff.im/-y7T34 #
- i should know better than to update my blog and tweak it at 11pm at night…off to reset my theme since it broke upon updating #
- i was thinking it was due for an overhaul…guess the time is now! #
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