- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-01-28 http://ff.im/-wXjwj #
- @J_Nellie @wizzyrea nope in reply to J_Nellie #
- i like getting placed on hold at wichita state university; their background music is music from their wind symphony; pretty cool! #
- it's a friday. hectic, but halfway decent (no meltdowns, crashes or sky-is-falling situations) that's all i can type right now. 🙂 #libday6 #
- friday earworm…."into the woods" songs… 🙂 #
- from @bckhough at nekls: eBooks and eReaders: from "eek1" to geek http://t.co/eVELOS5 #libday6 #
- RT @TechSoup Submit digital story to @TechSoup Digital Storytelling Event, challenge, win big prizes. http://tiny.cc/tsdigs #tsdigs #
- @hybridlib thx for this… in reply to hybridlib #
- @jackiegerstein what's the context of this quote from Educon? Curious what's behind it. in reply to jackiegerstein #
- @jackiegerstein thx. Will have to check it later. Sounds interesting! in reply to jackiegerstein #
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