- today ended w dinner w a friend/lib colleague. then trip back 2 work 2 get ereader homework & ended up labeling/barcoding 10 books. #libday6 #
- quiet email morning (so far); scurried to finish lab setup for a workshop this morning; time for coffee! #libday6 #
- updated http://t.co/ZVR2LKj library lists to reflect new library joining NExpress today. #libday6 #
- finished processing/cataloging pile of books that i'd started on last night #libday6 #
- password changes #libday6 #
- chat reference help for library adding website code for catalog search; ended up calling; haven't heard back-maybe resolved? #libday6 #
- rest of morning went by fast! chat help; in -person qs abt a cataloging issue; troubleshooting more fines issues remotely #libday6 #
- several of us went to lunch w workshop leader (state statistical report); yummy salty iguana; now to dive back into oclc-ill stuff! #libday6 #
- @J_Nellie yep š in reply to J_Nellie #
- email sent out to KS ILL people needing help w custom holdings for a new courier service; will start contacts tomorrow #libday6 #
- talked thru more oclc qs with lady leading this new courier service–one bw KS OCLC libs & CO OCLC libs #libday6 #
- collection additions post finally finished: http://t.co/zgwYFYW #libday6 onto ereader alatechsource workshop! #
- hashtag for the integrating ebooks and ereaders into your library: purchasing ebooks session is #ebookworkshop #libday6 #
- workshop is being led by @spolanka #ebookworkshop #libday6 #
- @librarianbyday yes, will probably write post for work #ebookworkshop #libday6 will post link here when it's written! in reply to librarianbyday #
- @librarianbyday taken hand-written notes; not many tweets just for sake of paying attention #ebookworkshop #libday6 in reply to librarianbyday #
- RT @colleengreene: Aggregators may start placing limits on size of consortia. #ebookworkshop ā¬Ā #
- RT @colleengreene: Public lib trade titles are forced to go thru aggregators, unfeasible to negotiate direct with publishers. #ebookworkshop #
- @bohyunkim i'd say so; sys admin @wizzyrea always says "if it has buttons & blinky lights it's within my realm"dig svcs sim, right? #libday6 in reply to bohyunkim #
- evaluation matrix for evaluating vendors for ebooks from @spolanka http://t.co/u7Ga7Um #ebookworkshop #libday6 #
- #ebookworkshop @spolanka just plugged @LibraryRenewal http://t.co/MVvQrCJ check them out if you hadn't already #libday6 #
- Day ended w taking cataloged back to be shelved tomorrow, talked to a cple of staff abt email/chat messages. #libday6 #
- Grabbed froyo on way home, ate dinner and took a nap. Now for 2nd half of KU game! Good way to end 2nd day of #libday6 #
- Wherefore art thou Brady haters? how 'bout Brady tonight? #kubball #
- @imcguy admittedly, I'm listening 2 a KU bball game. I usually read the transcript these days. Constant applause slows the speech WAY down. in reply to imcguy #
- @annehaines always best idea. No commentary. Honestly, i read the transcripts. Much faster. constant applause gets to me in these speeches in reply to annehaines #
- @erindowney I think they actually might send him away to a guarded location. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Designated_survivor in reply to erindowney #
- @erindowney depends on secret service I bet! I always feel sorry for that person. in reply to erindowney #
- @technolibrary cool. But how to get the STATES to get on board, since they fund the schools? in reply to technolibrary #
- @web20classroom @kylepace haven't watched since college days in 01-05. Read transcript & summaries instead -MUCH faster. Too much applause! in reply to web20classroom #
- @erindowney agreed. I love train travel on so many levels. Would use it a lot more if it were more widespread and more convenient! in reply to erindowney #
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