- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-01-24 http://ff.im/-wI9mO #
- Up and at 'em. NExpress circ/holds training for a library going live tomorrow on tap for today. #libday6 #
- Training day started off w scurrying to figure out why fines data was doubled in the migration #libday6 #
- Issue resolved: both fines files didnt have 2b loaded (what changed bw testing/other migrations, who knows) #libday6 #
- Trip 2 lib involved data testing & logmein testing & chatting/emailing w data loader/librarian by @lybrarian. Thankful for iPhones! #libday6 #
- @rmazar mine isn't. Just a wool coat. Don't think wool is waterproof! in reply to rmazar #
- Observing Mickey & @lybrarian leading the training. Morning has been devoted 2 OPAC. After lunch, we'll start on staff side. #libday6 #
- Now weird return dates are showing up on some patron accounts on some items. Screenshots/chatting w data loader. #libday6 #
- Local power outages affecting training now. No Internet access except on wireless=making do with laptops instead of circ machines. #libday6 #
- Network back up. Power, please stay on now. #libday6 #
- @roycekitts oh joy. What did you do? #libday6 in reply to roycekitts #
- Power out 4 good it looks like. Not a blip this time; wireless won't work long on battery backup. Ad-libbing training at this point #libday6 #
- @roycekitts way to ad-lib. 🙂 in reply to roycekitts #
- @jokrausdu have a libschool listserv at your school? Ours in Kansas sent out an email to students about the day. #libday6 in reply to jokrausdu #
- Power never came back on. We left for the day after q&as. Two other staff will be back for go-live. Hopefully it'll be back on. #libday6 #
- @pollyalida they did find the book "when the library lights go out" http://j.mp/hfoXnp #libday6 http://twitpic.com/3t3ljt in reply to pollyalida #
- @pollyalida web based catalog not possible 🙁 in reply to pollyalida #
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