- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-01-21 http://ff.im/-wFe2S #
- Love these! RT @librarianbyday: Awesome! RT @Philbradley: Library bumperstickers: http://t.co/d5Bozkh†#
- @bcshipps @hello_unicorn we're running out of room to push the snow away in kansas! and more on the way this weekend. windchill not bad yet in reply to bcshipps #
- @bcshipps i have to ask how do u know @hello_unicorn? way 2 small of a world; she & I are both libs, but we also went to college together! in reply to bcshipps #
- @bcshipps @hello_unicorn such a small world it is! 🙂 in reply to bcshipps #
- @annavan http://t.co/nmG6xES ? OR http://t.co/ubHcJHT in reply to annavan #
- working downtown….oclc i will conquer thee! #
- @annavan np 🙂 my mad librarian skills are itching to do more random, obscure searches 🙂 in reply to annavan #
- @dwarlick can they please get other hotels to have that kind of bandwidth ??? enjoy! in reply to dwarlick #
- @TheLiB i am thrilled about this book coming out; @buffyjhamilton has a section in it too; preordered it for the NEKLS collection! in reply to TheLiB #
- @librarybeth good luck with it all! in reply to librarybeth #
- @micahvandegrift seen this? http://t.co/zJ3XqdY and http://t.co/xrDfaf7 might be good resource to look to for hacklibschool project? #
- Cannot wait for this book! RT @TheLiB New book to watch for in spring from @rdlankes The Atlas of New Librarianship http://t.co/MRKR8Lm†#
- @micahvandegrift will be huge book, but content looks fascinating and exciting. in reply to micahvandegrift #
- @micahvandegrift make sure you also check out his presentations on his blog — he usually records & posts audio & slides — all good content in reply to micahvandegrift #
- @micahvandegrift i cld i guess; how shld i get it to you and does it need to be long? in reply to micahvandegrift #
- @micahvandegrift look 4 it probably on sunday, ok? tied up tonight & tomorrow, unless i can get OCLC ILL instructions to magically b written in reply to micahvandegrift #
- @technolibrary Oh happy birthday!! in reply to technolibrary #
- @librarianbyday that's HORRIBLE; I can't even read, let alone complete that infographic; sigh. once again women are downgraded. in reply to librarianbyday #
- must remember 5browns music + headphones + coffee shop = actually get work accomplished! #
- @technolibrary one of the many reasons I'm so thankful we have this network of colleagues and friends! in reply to technolibrary #
- @mtechman feel better soon! Hot baths cure lots, it seems (or at least you relax for a bit) in reply to mtechman #
- @acarvin love the name. Reminds me of how my Storm looked 2.5 years ago when I adopted her. Such a sweet -looking cat! Enjoy her in reply to acarvin #
- @librarianbyday yeouch. We love our pets but it's annoying when they do that stuff! in reply to librarianbyday #
- Getting ready to watch "into the woods" at Lawrence high school. One of my favorite musicals. (one of many favorites :)) #
- @teacherman82 yep. Act I just got done. Act ii coming up. M sister played Cinderella in this in high school. Def one of my favorite musicals in reply to teacherman82 #
- @teacherman82 are you going to share said essay w your followers or is this a grad school essay? in reply to teacherman82 #
- Home from into the woods and think I'll rewatch the Bernadette peters version of it from broadway. Yep I <3 musicals 🙂 #
- @jamingaroutte how goes the teaching? in reply to jamingaroutte #
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