- Twitter Daily Digest for 2011-01-20 http://ff.im/-wE0lE #
- that was a lot of snow yesterday! so pretty to look at, but alas I'm back in an office now without good windows. #
- @amylibrarian i've attended it two years in a row and presented this last time. It's a good conference — I'd rec it! in reply to amylibrarian #
- @princessofworld dont they tend to shut off automatically after a bit? in reply to princessofworld #
- @UserXLibrarian good luck — glad we outsource that responsibility! in reply to UserXLibrarian #
- @janbrooks1 admittedly this is a really pretty snow this round; jealous of your snowday 🙂 enjoy! in reply to janbrooks1 #
- heres a fun one: remoted into a computer at my feet using logmein & then while in that computer remoted into offsite computer using logmein #
- @gohomekiki @warmaiden @jokrausdu @gchilton any tips for @amylibrarian re: brick & click conference? see her tweet: http://t.co/IRb41qv #
- @princessofworld UGH. that's kind of a hazard — weird that they wouldn't come up with that! in reply to princessofworld #
- @acmorton we heavily use it here at work to remotely support computers at 13 counties worth of libraries in reply to acmorton #
- @acmorton just for data migration alone during all of our koha migrations for 2+ years now, it's been a mileage & timesaver in reply to acmorton #
- @acmorton i use it for family computer support as well on a personal account; it is a great tool! in reply to acmorton #
- @amylibrarian np 🙂 those are the "real" brick&click people who go each year! in reply to amylibrarian #
- @janbrooks1 duh! forgot abt you attending B&C when i sent her a list of other attendees; tweeting, emails, ILL,MARC-brain not functioning in reply to janbrooks1 #
- @annehaines good luck w it; has it caused headaches for you yet? ours was over last night — 6-8 inches in less than 12 hours! in reply to annehaines #
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