- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-08-09 http://ff.im/-oXsOA #
- @lorireed thought that sounded up your alley w the time management training/teaching you've been doing in reply to lorireed #
- RT @MLx: Why the iPad Changes Everything http://ff.im/-oYcvf #
- @wawoodworth to me, transliteracy is the ability to deliver info & ideas in all the diff possible formats my users need it in #andypoll in reply to wawoodworth #
- it is way too hot outside. argh! i'm ready for cold. (ducking while pple throw things at me after the last winter we had) #
- @alsnyder02 we had a bad winter last year; i wanted a white christmas & wish came true: a christmas blizzard + 3 wks of snow in january in reply to alsnyder02 #
- @alsnyder02 but right now, i'd give anything for that blizzard. 50% humidity +98 degrees=suffocating heat. in reply to alsnyder02 #
- Packing and then outta here. May or may not be online much the rest of the week. Sister's wedding this weekend!! 🙂 #
- Walked 1.57 miles in 28 mins and felt good. Walked in parents town late tonight. Horribly hot during the day (even a… http://bit.ly/dBPVXL #
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