- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-08-06 http://ff.im/-oNU9L #
- @erindowney what's dizzy birds? in reply to erindowney #
- @librarianbyday #neklstechday or #neklstechday2010 in reply to librarianbyday #
- Earl frm the state library just showed us ninite.com. Post w more info: http://j.mp/b7bBbG #neklstechday NEKLS has a volume license of it #
- Thatcher telling us a bit more abt ninite & pro v NEKLS has a license of. Thatcher has thumb drives w it 4 NEKLS members #neklstechday #
- Thatcher also showing dnssy.com & onedl.com — sys network & troubleshooting & temp email address among these sites' uses #neklstechday #
- Sites from Kelly: PDF split & merge pdfsam.org & broken link checker http://j.mp/ao2mat #neklstechday #
- RT @erindowney http://bit.ly/3ejPWh from @wizzyrea great video site 4 shorties, all safe youtube videos! Cats flushing toilets #neklstechday #
- @librarianbyday wish u cld b w us too!! You cld always get a job out here π in reply to librarianbyday #
- @erindowney also add http://flickrcc.blue mountains.net in reply to erindowney #
- Just showed compfight.com, dailymile.com, downforeveryoneorjustme.com, kidoz.net, & fit librarians group, http://j.mp/dCq75g #neklstechday #
- showed by @joshuamneff let me google that for you (lmgtfy.com) #neklstechday #
- Others shared facebook events, foxitreader (alternative pdf reader shared by @J_Nellie), doodle.com #neklstechday #
- Picnik.com (free online photo editor) shared by @bckhough #neklstechday @lybrarian uses it to black out confidential info #
- @jlborgerding at least two pple here have joined or plan to join π #neklstechday in reply to jlborgerding #
- My preso w @twitrhag on online learning went well! Heres our presentation resources http://j.mp/cNkSBF #neklstechday #
- Ebooks & ereaders preso from @joshuamneff & Michelle from joco up now #neklstechday #
- Audience taking a look at several different types of ereaders, including kindles, ipads, Sony ereaders, etc. #neklstechday #
- Person had their kindle stolen. Thief subscribed to the Atlantic on her account, "that's a classy thief" –@joshuamneff #
- @jlborgerding I think so too. π inspiring me for sure. The more we can bring on board w us, the merrier & the healthier!, in reply to jlborgerding #
- Studytainment from bb&b ad. Bb&b, kohls, & jcp now sells the pan digital ereader. Has major issues at this time #neklstechday #
- .Ebooks & free websites: kobo, smash words, amazon.com, iBooks, google books, project Gutenberg, overdrive, borders #neklstechday #
- Reader store, feed books, ereader.com (other ereader book websites) #neklstechday #
- @hybridlib hola newbie. Or are you π #
- RT @erindowney: hey everybody I've made a PUBLIC profile! follow @hybridlib for my new library thoughts… #
- Bad/negative side of ebooks & ereaders: drm & copyright #neklstechday #
- Buying license to read a book — the big problem w ebooks. Can't resell or give to someone else or donate to the library. #neklstechday #
- Libraries aren't a part of this discussion; companies not considering libraries in their creations #neklstechday #
- Inkmesh.com tells you which stores you can buy what ebooks from & compatibility #neklstechday #
- In the instructional design for library workers session; looking forward to hearing from Keith & Sean! #neklstechday #
- "Collaboration is the root of my success" –Keith Rocci, Washburn u #neklstechday #
- Instructional design=Script, a plan, process, needs, learning goals #neklstechday #
- Librarians like to have lots of meetings. Hahahaha π #neklstechday #
- Addie=analyze, design, develop (storyboard; universal design), implementation; evaluation #neklstechday #
- Every library school student must be able to teach. #neklstechday YES!!! #
- We all copy each other–learn from each other. #neklstechday #
- Lol is right π RT @hybridlib: @hbraum I feel fresh & new today! lol #
- Software=jing (free) π WE LOVE JING!! #neklstechday #
- Camtasia is another one (costs). Mac version of camtasia is awesome #neklstechday #
- Adobe presenter (cost) is another Id software #neklstechday #
- @J_Nellie which one are you at? in reply to J_Nellie #
- People learn differently in different ways #neklstechday #
- Another one: adobe captivate (even more expensive) #neklstechday #
- @J_Nellie what's the big iPad news earl was supposed to be talking about ? in reply to J_Nellie #
- Articulate studio 09; adobe elearning suite #neklstechday #
- Learning objects, including how to find the restroom in your library π #neklstechday think v basic. #
- Pple will not answer more than 5 qs at the end of your lesson. #neklstechday #
- v short tutorials (3 mins or less); identify common patron needs, script out how those needs are met using the Id process #neklstechday #
- Create a short screen cast to share w patrons #neklstechday #
- @pollyalida thx. It's almost over but our keynote by @jblyberg is at the end & up next! in reply to pollyalida #
- Using id in the classroom & the ref desk: Strategize, teaching artifacts (HDO=handout), apply #neklstechday #
- Last step: asses/review: did I create learning #neklstechday #
- Keynote by @jblyberg ready to start, "the compassionate library experience" #neklstechday #
- Compassion- we're all connected to one another. #neklstechday #
- @J_Nellie what?? I did that? Uhoh in reply to J_Nellie #
- "getting info off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant." mitchell kapor #neklstechday #
- Clay shirky says it's actually filter failure. #neklstechday #
- Mention of libraries-netflix NPR dvd lending story: http://j.mp/aONZ31 #neklstechday but DVDs are time-limited. Digital delivery is future #
- Cell phones. Different group use them to connect in different ways. Texting, no texting, using the phone, no phone. #neklstechday #
- Change affects the world. Is the phone call dead? http://j.mp/ba5Yrk #neklstechday #
- ct ice storm, no power + Darien library (had power) + Twitter = darien library became info clearinghouse & community resource #neklstechday #
- Information pareidolia. Finding patterns in the chaos #neklstechday #
- @sabram many of the rural lib users don't have computers at home or only have dialup access. Also all Internet access is expensive. in reply to sabram #
- @sabram also, many in rural areas & smaller towns aren't necessarily connected 2 agriculture. Come 2 ks & you'll see a different picture in reply to sabram #
- @sabram large towns (topeka, Wichita, salina, Lawrence, KC) yes can handle digital delivery. But many of rest? That's still in the future in reply to sabram #
- @sabram will try to respond more in a post. Too hard to do in 140 chars. I want digital content in all libs but won't happen overnight in reply to sabram #
- @sabram gates money has helped big time, & KS had a plan implemented last year that put a free t1 in every library in the state. Did help. in reply to sabram #
- @J_Nellie me too π in reply to J_Nellie #
- @lorireed seen this? RT @smashingmag: Time Management for Creative People (free PDF, eBook) – http://bit.ly/dvAPVh #
- People will come to the library, but may come differently, based on their own personal information needs & framework #neklstechday #
- Ux design + physical spaces + digital strategy = all these areas overlap at the Darien library in its services to patrons #neklstechday #
- Trust is an essential component to this new service model. User to user trust, library to user trust #neklstechday #
- @hybridlib me too. How did they get staff buyin? in reply to hybridlib #
- Also this layer of trust RT @hybridlib: layers of trust = user trusting the library is easiest one. #neklstechday #
- Make decisions in a transparent manner; admit mistakes. #neklstechday #
- Security erodes trust, but change from system that focuses on prevention to system that focuses on remediation #neklstechday #
- Librarians are not police. Deal w the problems, not lock everyone out bc of the problems #neklstechday #
- Serendipity. Users should be continually intro'd to the sublime #neklstechday #
- Users rely on group discovery #neklstechday #
- Speed is critical. Good service, inexpensive, and has to be fast. All three demands being put on us. #neklstechday (all pts r frm @jblyberg) #
- All these qualities previously mentioned need to be folded into a sustainable business model. #neklstechday #
- Think abt the times you say no. Write down those times you do that, and you'll eventually see patterns. #neklstechday move these into yes #
- Library is working toward becoming the 3rd place for pple. A place for community, intellectual enrichment, connections #neklstechday #
- @lybrarian π in reply to lybrarian #
- RT @itsjustkate @sabram http://bit.ly/9BM2jq Media circuits. super helpful for small libs w tiny budgets. #
- RT @queequegs: libraries of the future will offer free pie. i swear @jblyberg says so at #neklstechday #
- Quiet stir of thought lecture (missed part of this info) tweeting to go look up later #neklstechday #
- @jblyberg thank you! Really enjoyed yr talk today. Hope the rest of your traveling isn't as crazy. Thx for coming to Kansas for tech day in reply to jblyberg #
- @hybridlib np. π woohoo! in reply to hybridlib #
- RT @guffman socialmention.com searches a bunch of social networking sites so you can hear whats being said about your library #neklstechday #
- RT @erindowney: analogy: library as dumb terminal for users of today #neklstechday #
- RT @erindowney: should we wait for ppl to come to us or should we be more active about going out to them? #neklstechday #
- RT @erindowney: Is there anything that can't be done with a thumb drive? Between Ninite, Portable Apps, Puppy Linux, etc. #neklstechday #
- RT @lybrarian: You all can tweet, I'm blogging – http://j.mp/bcY4XX #neklstechday #
- RT @lybrarian: Liz's (@wizzyrea) Presentation – kudos http://j.mp/aB1jLo #neklstechday and #techday10 #
- I havent laughed so hard in ages!! RT @lybrarian: Fun meal at 715 with hbraum, j_nelle and chickey. Much librarian laughter. #
- RT @wizzyrea: LOL!!!! http://bit.ly/cP29vS omg, librarian xtranormal inspired by #neklstechday #
- @wizzyrea oh no!!! Netflix, do your magic & bring her fever down, plz? in reply to wizzyrea #
- toilet flushing cat video hands-down best video shared today π http://bit.ly/bWFUtS (shared by @wizzyrea) #neklstechday #
- thankful tonight for the vocation I have chosen & the many librarians I get to do inspiring and crazy work with each day. π #
- @technolibrary OH no!!! That definitely puts a different face on that video :/ in reply to technolibrary #
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