Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-07-27

  • @buffyjhamilton i'm trying; you know what, your running post awhile back was part of my motivation to do this; 🙂 have a great week! in reply to buffyjhamilton #
  • was offline for most of the weekend; unpacked more & put stuff away into storage; did laundry; & spent lots of time w family; great weekend! #
  • RT @chatlibraries: wondering what librarians do all day? follow the #libday5 hashtag ths week to find out! hint its more than just reading! #
  • was going to start on redesign of a few sections of our new website but remembered there's a webinar platform testing session at 10 #libday5 #
  • @JCCCLib and lots of it! #libday5 in reply to JCCCLib #
  • NEKLS is registered! RT @LJSLJebookSummt: Early Bird Registration for the 1st ever LJ SLJ ebook summit closes July 30th #
  • @beccamunson today/this week is #libday5 Day in the Life of a Library you shld definitely participate w yr progress 🙂 in reply to beccamunson #
  • pple doing sales pitches, be aware of how your customer wants to use the product, and demo those features! #
  • once this demo is over, i'll be trying to not be grumpy; seriously, pple need to be aware of their audiences while presenting, esp vendors! #
  • RT @wizzyrea: Oh hey, the EFF skewered DRM, gets govt to allow jailbreaking of phones, mashup artists to break DVD DRM. #
  • RT @jdscott50: Public Libraries Nourishing the Mind #
  • fax machines are of the devil. and then some. #libday5 #
  • @beccamunson np; good luck with the settling in! how many weeks till school starts? in reply to beccamunson #
  • tracking week on paper 4 #libday5 will try 2 blog thru the week; but also tracking what I'm reading online: #
  • @helgagrace round up; i vote 6-7 #deepquestions #libday5 in reply to helgagrace #
  • do any of your libraries have a website comment policy or social media policy? if you do, could you send me a link? Thx! #
  • @erindowney ok since when is moving this dangerous?? BE careful! in reply to erindowney #
  • Walked 1.67 miles in 32 mins and felt good. I didn't want to go at all. Ended up venting days frustration & tirednes… #
  • Ran 0.3 miles in 3 mins and 18 secs and felt good. Ran three times during the walk. Thinking it's getting close to t… #
  • @kellymhall thx I need all the encouragement I can get right now. What is it, 3 weeks to a habit? 🙂 in reply to kellymhall #

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