- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-07-23 http://ff.im/-o8gmt #
- @librarianbyday thank you for the rec in reply to librarianbyday #
- RT @wawoodworth #inatweet blog 2 read: Librarian By Day (http://j.mp/b3yYmy) Will keep u current in libland w/ posts & links @librarianbyday #
- @wizzyrea what??? ok, i know what I'm getting logan for his birthday 🙂 in reply to wizzyrea #
- @wizzyrea on 2nd thought, might have to get it and sit on it for a few years 🙂 in reply to wizzyrea #
- @jlborgerding ikea 5 hrs from KC??? keep me posted!! i want to go to ikea but closest are in DFW or Chicago 🙁 🙁 #stl #ikea in reply to jlborgerding #
- .@jlborgerding @pollyalida @mlibrarianus & I are starting a librarian walking/running accountability grp online; anyone else want 2 join us? #
- (i think) we're going to use dailymile.com look for us all there using our twitter names #
- New use of FB/Twitter I never thought of before: builtin motivators for getting back into shape! #
- @annavan i'm just starting walking 🙂 eventually hope to run again in reply to annavan #
- @jkbeitz the more the merrier! and the fun and accountability 🙂 i know i need it! in reply to jkbeitz #
- @LJWJKealing thx; a friend on FB intro'd me to it last night; going to give it a try for sure! in reply to LJWJKealing #
- @ClaudiaBossBil you definitely shld then 🙂 in reply to ClaudiaBossBil #
- @librarianbyday hmmm…. i don't know. will have to see what the rest of the group thinks. OF COURSE! 🙂 the more the merrirer! in reply to librarianbyday #
- @annavan you shld definitely join us; the more the merrier 🙂 in reply to annavan #
- @librarianbyday believe me — me too 🙂 sure — that's definitely exercise. I remember doing that as a kid; was always a workout! in reply to librarianbyday #
- @pollyalida @librarianbyday better be a push mower! 😀 hehe in reply to pollyalida #
- @pollyalida or walking? 🙂 no problem — I need all the accountability & motivation I can get; public shaming will keep me going 🙂 in reply to pollyalida #
- @lorireed he's going to do great! #fb in reply to lorireed #
- @lorireed yep; anything and everything 🙂 in reply to lorireed #
- @lorireed including @pollyalidas 's lawn mower 🙂 in reply to lorireed #
- @lorireed oops shld be @pollyalida 's lawnmower in reply to lorireed #
- RT @librarythinking: being a librarian is the best thing on earth. best. best best. #
- @librarianbyday @pollyalida i'm still trying to find 1 that works for iphone; tried 3 so far–2 are pedometer ones & 1's a couch 2 5k in reply to librarianbyday #
- @librarythinking ummm. yes 🙂 yes and yes. i love coming to work each day. doubt there's many other professions I'd be able to say that! in reply to librarythinking #
- Awesome! Thx for finding this! RT @jlborgerding: @hbraum I created a group in Daily Mile, Fit Librarians: http://j.mp/9nqFbY #
- @paulina_p you def shld; @jlborgerding created grp on dailymile for us "fit librarians" (or attempting to be fit) http://j.mp/9nqFbY in reply to paulina_p #
- @jlborgerding let me know if they have an archive available at the end; thought about listening in but have other things to get done in reply to jlborgerding #
- @librarianbyday i left a comment too, but this one: http://bit.ly/bkmGfx in reply to librarianbyday #
- RT @jlborgerding: Twitter is the Guttenberg of our generation. #
- @mlibrarianus it's pretty neat, isn't it? shows yet another layer of social media's power & potential! in reply to mlibrarianus #
- RT @mlibrarianus: Love how 1 comment on FB sparks a whole bunch of people – join us library folks at http://bit.ly/bl6LK1 & get motivated #
- @mauradeedy try http://bit.ly/aoblep in reply to mauradeedy #
- Finally got access to add twitter & Facebook to flipboard. It's blowing my mind away at its concept & its future potential. #
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