- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-05-22 http://ff.im/-kJyUG #
- Lots of downtime b4 graduation & where am I? In the college lib, of course catching up on tweets & posts. Missing academic life a bit today. #
- @nengard congrats to both of you!! in reply to nengard #
- @gohomekiki so glad I'm in Michigan for the first day of heat back home. I'm not ready for it either! in reply to gohomekiki #
- @vanirvinmorris thx for the follow 2. Glad 2c another librarian interested in technology, librarianship & education. Lots in common w all 3! in reply to vanirvinmorris #
- "School teaches at best a trillionth of the knowledge available on the planet yet…"-Gary stager. Rest of quote here: http://bit.ly/9Jqzzh #
- PA politician attacks free speech on Twitter
Can you post anonymous critiques of political figures on Twitter http://bit.ly/cuIX3C # - 100 Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom http://bit.ly/cJSTpU #FreeTechnologyforTeachers #
- RT @ranginui tutorial for sending bugs to #koha bugzilla http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Bugzilla #
- It's not the Kindle stupid! It's the text… http://bit.ly/97lqjR #
- Look up, Mr. President. Seriously. I beg you. Look up! http://bit.ly/c0hcq2 #
- @library_chic bring a small power strip. You & other conf attendees will appreciate it! in reply to library_chic #
- @erindowney aleve 12 hr gel caps always knock out my headaches. Good luck! in reply to erindowney #
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