- lots of drugs=sleepy me, esp on a such a dreary day (but am feeling MUCH better). i thought it was supposed to get sunny! #
- @TheLiB condolences to you and your family, sarah. so sorry for your loss. in reply to TheLiB #
- @janbrooks1 you & me both; headed to michigan on Thurs, on the train! w family 4katie & mike's graduation; it'll b logan's 1st train trip! in reply to janbrooks1 #
- Juice stop pineapple smoothie for lunch was perfect idea today. #
- @janbrooks1 jealous! we still need to take that cruise to alaska together at some point. 🙂 in reply to janbrooks1 #
- An Illusion of Privacy (The Facebook Debate) http://bit.ly/9bZQ3x #
- Old-school Collaboration Tools That Rock http://bit.ly/9ucWI1 #
- What’s at Stake With Facebook is Not Privacy or Publicity But Informed Consent and Choice http://bit.ly/agdICW #LibrarianbyDay #
- Danah Boyd and the Facebook privacy discussion http://bit.ly/bTVWtv #Puttingpeoplefirst #
- 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Use Tech to Save Money http://bit.ly/c6ZQpU #Mashable #
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