- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-05-14 http://ff.im/-kkmZM #
- @annehaines @oleonard thx! in reply to annehaines #
- Video: Becoming Truly Innovative: Migrating from Millennium to Koha – Ian Walls http://bit.ly/cwp30O #
- RT @nengard: Blog Post: The reality of open source (aka #Koha confusions) http://bit.ly/bISKgt #
- @HopeStandifer yep it's a great system. MPOW runs 32 library consortia on Koha. Project: http://j.mp/dsM0Ji & OPAC: http://j.mp/drxQpG in reply to HopeStandifer #
- Thankful for modern meds tonight and planning to rest all weekend. Finally found relief from coughing. Now to get back to sleep… š #
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