- @technolibrary i loved it — one of the best books i've read in a long time (and not just bc its about our profession) in reply to technolibrary #
- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-04-02 http://ff.im/-iwMHq #
- RT @savelibs: RT @buffyjhamilton: RT @JanieH: RT @nancydowd: PRINCETON: Libraries chafed by Christie cuts http://bit.ly/cu2STD #
- welcome to spring; glad that was only pea-sized hail & not too strong of winds. #
- skype for the win! @J_Nellie & I just got most of our #socialmedia 3-hr preconference for #kla2010 all planned out. We're ready!! #
- RT @leavitt9: Finally … some good news! Job Market Brightens as U.S. Payrolls Surge in March – http://nyti.ms/9Y4wek #
- @AspenWalker zombies?? seriously? will have to go take a look; what a cool boss! in reply to AspenWalker #
- Battleship nostalgia! 🙂 RT @nengard: Loving this: "Open Source Versions of Five Games You Loved as a Kid" ( http://bit.ly/dhufAT ) #
- RT @librarianbyday: great comments by people outside the library field (patrons!) on FCC Digital Literacy Corps http://wp.me/pO3fW-3H #
- @wizzyrea me too!! 🙂 i might actually make it to one. in reply to wizzyrea #
- RT @wizzyrea: crazy! "twitter predicts opening weekend profits for movies better than HSX" http://bit.ly/9Q9oQO #
- RT @TheLiB: RT @wired How strong is your Pas$w0rD? @lifehacker has some tips on strengthening your security: http://bit.ly/9pEO7k #
- RT @GMLGeek: "Whatever the cost of libraries, the price is cheap compared 2 that of an ignorant nation."- Walter Cronkite #savelibraries #
- @colinrhinesmith why are libraries near and dear to your heart (i'm one of the founders of savelibraries.org) in reply to colinrhinesmith #
- RT @ellyssa 10 Simple Google Search Tricks http://bit.ly/atoYI0 #
- RT @oodja RT @ragesoss: *Fahrenheit 404*: It's 2030 & the iPad kids have grown up. All books are e-books. Then the DRM server goes down #
- @james3neal being able to play Rhapsody in Blue (or any Gershwin) on piano & flight of the bumblebee on flute are two of mine, musically. in reply to james3neal #
- RT @AtYourLibrary: Sally Ride, on role libraries have played in her life & her career as an astronaut http://bit.ly/cl3Lid #savelibraries #
- @ambersifford internet down?? in reply to ambersifford #
- RT @ALA_TechSource: 6 Open Source Resources To Help You Get More Done http://bit.ly/92By8w #
- @ashuping yay! thanks for letting me know; last night's was new? in reply to ashuping #
- @wizzyea thx for TED gaming video rec. Just got thru it. Lots to think abt from it. #
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