- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-31 http://ff.im/-irNUM #
- @nengard what wordpress plugin do you use to created the delicious posts each day? or is that thru delicious itself? thanks! #
- RT @cathyjo: A MUST READ for school librarians & school administrators http://bit.ly/toughquestions #
- bye bye morning; network issues at multiple libraries. #
- been a long time since i've done this much network troubleshooting over the phone. #
- thx to kanren/kaned for getting the issues resolved so quickly. #
- today has very much been like a monday, so far….hoping the 2nd half of the day isnt quite so crazy! #
- @J_Nellie jealous…but i have one session ready to go bc we're not doing a powerpoint for it. in reply to J_Nellie #
- @nengard thx! trying to figure out how to get a daily news post for savelibraries.org, from everything I mark in delicious. in reply to nengard #
- @mickjacobsen dropbox stores all file types-i store software installs there & access thru web interface, not syncing; gdocs can't do that! in reply to mickjacobsen #
- @wawoodworth sandra bullock #andypoll in reply to wawoodworth #
- RT @wawoodworth: Poll: Who plays you in the movie version of your library? Go. (Answer & RT) #andypoll #
- @mickjacobsen sorry, installers; forgot a few letters; i'd store flash/firefox/shockwave, etc., installers; no download/no flash drive lost in reply to mickjacobsen #
- just placed my first mcnaughton order. adding collection development (very small) to my many hats. #
- @jransom i'm teaching a preconf on soc media next week for librarians; cld i use the tweets & story of getting fight video off of youtube? in reply to jransom #
- will saturday come any sooner? walt mossberg's review of the iPad: http://bit.ly/bj3rOu #
- RT @kongtemplation: nice! RT: @librarianbyday: WordPress.com announces photo slideshows that work with iphone & ipad http://bit.ly/bZvzzP #
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