- Twitter Daily Digest for 2010-03-30 http://ff.im/-inRI1 #
- @J_Nellie k i really started wondering! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @amylassiter those are the best — esp when the weather is as gorgeous as it is!! in reply to amylassiter #
- @skokielibrary i'm wondering the same thing. in reply to skokielibrary #
- @shlew take a look at this idea: http://theappleblog.com/2010/03/18/tip-cheap-ipad-stand/ in reply to shlew #
- @shlew i know what you mean; i'll let you know if i figure out some solutions; will have my hands on one come saturday 🙂 🙂 🙂 in reply to shlew #
- @lybrarian i think its #kla2010 in reply to lybrarian #
- @brlemon hi brenda! glad to connect on twitter with you. #
- I HATE writing biographies about myself. #
- @wawoodworth high school? the one that sticks out in my mind is tom clancy's executive orders. in reply to wawoodworth #
- RT @wawoodworth Poll: Best book you read in high school. Go. (Answer & RT plz) #
- RT @pollyalida: Cool! Free gardening webinars! Horticulture – Smart Gardening Workshops http://ow.ly/1sL02 #
- @helgagrace @wawoodworth i think all these recent poll results should be posted. 🙂 I always forget to go back and search for other results. in reply to helgagrace #
- @wawoodworth don't put too much effort into it — but the questions have all been great ones! in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth #libpolls in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth not an office watcher… (the horrors, i know) in reply to wawoodworth #
- @wawoodworth oh didn't know there was a difference — haven't seen either one! (hurray for misreading while multitasking! lol) in reply to wawoodworth #
- @lorireed @wawoodworth so apparently its one i should see?? in reply to lorireed #
- RT @laurasolomon: RT @CinShel: Our Libraries are important for all ages – http://saveohiolibraries.com/ #saveohiolibraries #
- @lorireed happy bday mr. 6!! 🙂 in reply to lorireed #
- I have a very cuddly cat tonight. 🙂 will I have 2 cuddly cats before the night is over? #
- @itsjustkate yep. In fact, will be going to 5-yr college reunion this fall. Coincides w college's centennial celebration, too. in reply to itsjustkate #
- @cathchat I have 2. Sometimes both are cuddly; sometimes only 1 is cuddly. Just depends on their moods. in reply to cathchat #
- @itsjustkate lol. I make it back to campus once or twice a yr; was small school & i have lots of friendships w faculty/staff that I've kept in reply to itsjustkate #
- @itsjustkate I'm not normal, tho. I worked many hours in student campus IT job & got to know the university in a diff way. Became 2nd home. in reply to itsjustkate #
- @erindowney rant as much as you want; i use the status box to rant but typically delete before posting 🙂 its therapeutic, published or not! in reply to erindowney #
- @J_Nellie any luck on the site? will do some poking around. in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie this is for firefox: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie you gave me the magic words; had to dig on her site, but here ya go: http://bit.ly/dfpkAx that it? in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie had to dig through her site; not searchable — and you're right; fresh eyes helps. (ad revenue, what do you want to bet!) in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie i thought the same thing!! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie it found IE as a threat?? Love it!! in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie oh come on; it'll prove for once for all why not to use IE 😛 in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie ummm, no; you're coming to #kla2010 without detours; we have a preconf to finalize! in reply to J_Nellie #
- wondering if white sox's extreme friendliness/cuddliness tonight is due to open windows and the arrival of spring. hmm. #
- @GiftsUnlimtd i don't either-which is why i'm working w @lorireed to get http://www.savelibraries.org started. pple dont get libraries' mission. in reply to GiftsUnlimtd #
- @Hello_Unicorn oh i do NOT miss those days/profs. the 1 semester i taught a grad class, i had midnight, not 5pms for that very reason! in reply to Hello_Unicorn #
- @erindowney i sent you reminder on MONDAY 😛 but you've been sick; understand. You sure can pick live. You on chat? in reply to erindowney #
- @GiftsUnlimtd its all in how you market it to the community; what has library done for community & what does it need to do in the future? in reply to GiftsUnlimtd #
- working on resurrecting my writing chops–taking a bit of time to be awakened; been a long time since they've been fully utilized #
- @J_Nellie i will personally drive to larned and escort you to wichita if you try to do that 🙂 in reply to J_Nellie #
- @J_Nellie or, if you do that, i might just leave for DC early. in reply to J_Nellie #
- oh my; women have purses for this RT @adamcoomes: LOL awesome. How to spot a hidden iPad (totally unnecessary) http://j.mp/djZdgr #
- well that was painless; just filled out census form. #
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